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重定向到HTTPS www-Nginx

[英]Redirect to HTTPS www - Nginx

I have a site 我有一个网站


I need to make sure that these 3 cases : 我需要确保这3种情况:

will to redirect to 将重定向到

I'm using Nginx in Laravel 5 on Ubuntu hosted on Digital Ocean. 我在Digital Ocean托管的Ubuntu上的Laravel 5中使用Nginx。

This is what I set in Digital Ocean 这就是我在Digital Ocean中设置的


Result 结果

RIght now, only one seem to work 现在,似乎只有一个工作

http://www.boring.com http://www.boring.com

redirect to 重定向到

https://www.boring.com https://www.boring.com

These 2 are not 这两个不是

http://boring.com http://boring.com


https://boring.com https://boring.com


Did I do anything wrong on Digital Occean ? 我在Digital Occean上做错了什么吗?

Where can I fix this ? 我在哪里可以解决这个问题?

You are using CloudFlare. 您正在使用CloudFlare。 So all SSL and subdomain redirections related not only to your server (Nginx) configuration but also to CloudFlare settings. 因此,所有SSL和子域重定向不仅与服务器(Nginx)配置有关,而且与CloudFlare设置有关。

All you need to do is to check out whether your domain name is listed in CloudFlare's DNS settings (see DNS tab). 您需要做的只是检查您的域名是否在CloudFlare的DNS设置中列出(请参阅DNS标签)。 "www" subdomain is listed there, but the direct domain name was missing. 此处列出了“ www”子域,但是缺少直接域名。

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