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在不指定列名的情况下在 jOOQ 中插入记录

[英]Inserting record in jOOQ without specifying column names

I have a table USER_ROLES that has 5 columns.我有一个包含 5 列的表 USER_ROLES。 Also, a class UserRole that has the same number of fields and names as USER_ROLES.此外,class UserRole 具有与 USER_ROLES 相同数量的字段和名称。

I'm trying to insert a row without specifying the column names:我试图在不指定列名的情况下插入一行:

    UserRole ur = new UserRole();
    // UserRole fields setting


But I get this error when I attempt to create the row:但是当我尝试创建行时出现此错误:

The number of values must match the number of fields

Am I forced to specify the column names?我是否被迫指定列名?

If you have generated the UserRolesRecord , and if your UserRole class follows the naming conventions defined by DefaultRecordMapper , then you can load your custom UserRole content into the record like this:如果您生成了UserRolesRecord ,并且您的UserRole类遵循DefaultRecordMapper定义的命名约定,那么您可以将自定义UserRole内容加载到记录中,如下所示:

UserRole ur = new UserRole();
// ...
UserRoleRecord rec = new UserRoleRecord();

You can do the following (simpler):您可以执行以下操作(更简单):

UserRole ur = new UserRole();

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