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[英]Hero Card Buttons PostBack

I am making use of Hero Cards in Bot Framework v4. 我在Bot Framework v4中使用了英雄卡片。 I do not want to show any value whenever a button from a Hero Card is clicked. 单击英雄卡上的按钮时,我不想显示任何值。 Because of that, the type of the CardAction is set to PostBack. 因此, CardAction的类型设置为PostBack。 Unfortunately, the first time a button is clicked in a chat the value is shown in the form. 不幸的是,第一次在聊天中单击按钮时,该值会显示在表单中。 If I click the same button again it is not showing any value anymore. 如果我再次单击相同的按钮,它将不再显示任何值。

Let me know how to disable showing it the first time. 让我知道如何禁用第一次显示它。

Code of the button of the Hero Card: 英雄卡按钮的代码:

CardAction plButton = new CardAction()
   Title = "Connect to Employee",
   Value = "Connect",
   Type = ActionTypes.PostBack

Are you using the BotFramework Emulator? 您正在使用BotFramework模拟器吗? This was a bug that has now been fixed in the latest version of the emulator. 这是一个错误 ,现已在最新版本的模拟器中修复。 An update should fix it. 更新应该修复它。

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