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如何在 Shopify Ajax 购物车更新上运行 Javascript 事件?

[英]How do I run a Javascript event on Shopify Ajax cart update?

I am trying to add a little line in my Shopify product page where it will show the customer the amount currently in his/her cart, and automatically show whether or not the customer is eligible for free shipping, and the amount needed to hit free shipping.我正在尝试在我的 Shopify 产品页面中添加一小行,它会向客户显示当前在他/她的购物车中的金额,并自动显示客户是否有资格获得免费送货,以及达到免费送货所需的金额.

I have managed to do all the above, with one small problem now: when the customer hits add to cart, the line still shows the same thing until the customer refreshes the page.我已经设法完成了上述所有操作,但现在有一个小问题:当客户点击添加到购物车时,该行仍然显示相同的内容,直到客户刷新页面。 I did a bit of reading and relaised it's because the cart works on something called AJAX.我做了一些阅读并重新发布这是因为购物车适用于称为 AJAX 的东西。

I am not a programmer or developer, I am just a site owner, and I have very little knowledge of coding.我不是程序员或开发人员,我只是一个网站所有者,我对编码知之甚少。 I just google for solutions and copy and paste and modify code to get my desired effect.我只是在谷歌上搜索解决方案并复制粘贴和修改代码以获得我想要的效果。 But this one really has me stumped, so i appreciate if someone can help me out!但这真的让我很难过,所以如果有人能帮助我,我将不胜感激!

Thank you in advance!先感谢您!

Also I apologise if my code looks messy or I sound like I don't know what I'm talking about.如果我的代码看起来很乱,或者我听起来好像不知道我在说什么,我也很抱歉。 I'm really new to this!我真的很陌生!

<div id="freeship" style="font-weight:bold; padding: 10px;">Your cart total is <span style="color:#f64c3f">{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span>. You qualify for free shipping!</div>

<div id="nofreeship" style="font-weight:bold; padding: 10px;">Your cart total is <span style="color:#f64c3f">{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span>.<br>Spend {{ 2500 | minus: cart.total_price | money }} more to qualify for free shipping!</div>
          !function checkprice() {
            var y = "2600" ;
            var x = "{{ cart.total_price }}";
          if (Number(x) > Number(y)) {
               document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "block"; 
               document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "none";
          } else {
               document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "none";    
               document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "block";     

          } ();


UPDATE: Ryan, this is what I managed to dig up, I am guessing this is the code that updates the minicart at the top when an item is added to cart?更新:Ryan,这是我设法挖掘出来的,我猜这是在将商品添加到购物车时更新顶部微型购物车的代码?

 function checkprice() {
                var baseprice = "2500" ;
                var carttotal = "{{ cart.total_price }}";
              if (Number(carttotal) > Number(baseprice) {
  document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "none";
                document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "block";
              } else {
  document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "block";
                document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "none";



ProductView.prototype.updateMiniCart = function(cart) {
    var i, item, itemProperties, itemText, j, len, miniCartItemsWrap, productPrice, propertiesArray, propertyKeysArray, ref, variant;
    miniCartItemsWrap = $(".mini-cart-items-wrap");
    if (cart.item_count !== 1) {
      itemText = Theme.cartItemsOther;
    } else {
      itemText = Theme.cartItemsOne;
      $(".mini-cart .options").show();
    $(".mini-cart-wrap label").html("<span class='item-count'>" + cart.item_count + "</span> " + itemText);
    ref = cart.items;
    for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {
      item = ref[j];
      productPrice = Shopify.formatMoney(item.line_price, Theme.moneyFormat);
      variant = item.variant_title ? "<p class='variant'>" + item.variant_title + "</p>" : "";
      itemProperties = "";
      if (item.properties) {
        propertyKeysArray = Object.keys(item.properties);
        propertiesArray = _.values(item.properties);
        i = 0;
        while (i < propertyKeysArray.length) {
          if (propertiesArray[i].length) {
            itemProperties = itemProperties + ("<p class=\"property\">\n    <span class=\"property-label\">" + propertyKeysArray[i] + ":</span>\n    <span class=\"property-value\">" + propertiesArray[i] + "</span>\n</p>");
      miniCartItemsWrap.append("<div id=\"item-" + item.variant_id + "\" class=\"item clearfix\">\n    <div class=\"image-wrap\">\n        <img alt=\"" + item.title + "\" src=\"" + item.image + "\">\n        <a class=\"overlay\" href=\"" + item.url + "\"></a>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"details\">\n        <p class=\"brand\">" + item.vendor + "</p>\n        <p class=\"title\"><a href=\"" + item.url + "\">" + item.product_title + "</a><span class=\"quantity\">× <span class=\"count\">" + item.quantity + "</span></span></p>\n        <p class=\"price\"><span class=\"money\">" + productPrice + "</span></p>\n        " + variant + "\n        " + itemProperties + "\n    </div>\n</div>");

    if (Theme.currencySwitcher) {
      return $(document.body).trigger("switch-currency");

HTML (Give the spans an id property): HTML(给 span 一个 id 属性):

<div id="freeship" style="font-weight:bold; padding: 10px;">Your cart total is <span style="color:#f64c3f" id="spnQualifyTotal">{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span>. You qualify for free shipping!</div>

<div id="nofreeship" style="font-weight:bold; padding: 10px;">Your cart total is <span style="color:#f64c3f" id="spnMoreTotal">{{ cart.total_price | money }}</span>.<br>Spend {{ 2500 | minus: cart.total_price | money }} more to qualify for free shipping!</div>

Javascript: Javascript:

//Change this to take in the new total
function checkprice(total) {
                var baseprice = "2500" ;
                //Does this next line work???
                //var carttotal = "{{ cart.total_price }}"; Wont need this anymore
                //If so you can set the span's innerText to the new total
                document.getElementById('spnQualifyTotal').innerText = total;
                document.getElementById('spnMoreTotal').innerText = total;
              if (Number(total) > Number(baseprice)) {
  document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "none";
                document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "block";
              } else {
  document.getElementById("freeship").style.display = "block";
                document.getElementById("nofreeship").style.display = "none";



ProductView.prototype.updateMiniCart = function(cart) {
    var i, item, itemProperties, itemText, j, len, miniCartItemsWrap, 
    productPrice, propertiesArray, propertyKeysArray, ref, 
    variant, newTotal; //See the newTotal variable to get the total of all items in cart
    miniCartItemsWrap = $(".mini-cart-items-wrap");
    if (cart.item_count !== 1) {
      itemText = Theme.cartItemsOther;
    } else {
      itemText = Theme.cartItemsOne;
      $(".mini-cart .options").show();
    $(".mini-cart-wrap label").html("<span class='item-count'>" + cart.item_count + "</span> " + itemText);
    ref = cart.items;
    for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {
      item = ref[j];
      productPrice = Shopify.formatMoney(item.line_price, Theme.moneyFormat);
      newTotal += item.line_price; //Adding each item's cost to the newTotal
      variant = item.variant_title ? "<p class='variant'>" + item.variant_title + "</p>" : "";
      itemProperties = "";
      if (item.properties) {
        propertyKeysArray = Object.keys(item.properties);
        propertiesArray = _.values(item.properties);
        i = 0;
        while (i < propertyKeysArray.length) {
          if (propertiesArray[i].length) {
            itemProperties = itemProperties + ("<p class=\"property\">\n    <span class=\"property-label\">" + propertyKeysArray[i] + ":</span>\n    <span class=\"property-value\">" + propertiesArray[i] + "</span>\n</p>");
      miniCartItemsWrap.append("<div id=\"item-" + item.variant_id + "\" class=\"item clearfix\">\n    <div class=\"image-wrap\">\n        <img alt=\"" + item.title + "\" src=\"" + item.image + "\">\n        <a class=\"overlay\" href=\"" + item.url + "\"></a>\n    </div>\n    <div class=\"details\">\n        <p class=\"brand\">" + item.vendor + "</p>\n        <p class=\"title\"><a href=\"" + item.url + "\">" + item.product_title + "</a><span class=\"quantity\">× <span class=\"count\">" + item.quantity + "</span></span></p>\n        <p class=\"price\"><span class=\"money\">" + productPrice + "</span></p>\n        " + variant + "\n        " + itemProperties + "\n    </div>\n</div>");
    checkprice(newTotal); //Pass in the newTotal variable to checkprice(total);

    if (Theme.currencySwitcher) {
      return $(document.body).trigger("switch-currency");

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