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[英]Copying folder contents preserving the folder structure using powershell script

I have the source folder structure as shown below 我有如下所示的源文件夹结构

|-- Log
|   |-- xyz.pdf
|   `-- Reports
|       `-- rp.pdf
|-- Keywords
|   |-- key.txt
|   |   `-- pb.ea
|   `-- reports
|-- Test
|   |-- 11.pdf
|   |-- 12
|   `-- Log
|       |-- h1.pdf
|       `-- Reports
|           `-- h2.pdf
`-- Dev
    |-- st
    |-- ea
    `-- Log
        `-- Reports
            `-- h4.pdf

I need to copy all the "Log" folders while maintaining the folder structure. 我需要在保留文件夹结构的同时复制所有“日志”文件夹。 The destination path is "c:\\Work\\Logs\\TestResults". 目标路径是“ c:\\ Work \\ Logs \\ TestResults”。 The resultant structure should be as shown below. 生成的结构应如下所示。

|-- Log
|   |-- xyz.pdf
|   `-- Reports
|       `-- rp.pdf
|-- Test
|   `-- Log
|       |-- h1.pdf
|       `-- Reports
|           `-- h2.pdf
`-- Dev
    `-- Log
        `-- Reports
            `-- h4.pdf

Is there an easy way of achieving this using a powershell script? 有使用Powershell脚本实现此目标的简单方法吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

Edit: Here's the code that I have written so far. 编辑:这是我到目前为止编写的代码。 It flattens the folder structure but doesn't maintain the hierarchy. 它使文件夹结构变平,但不维护层次结构。 I am new to powershell scripting. 我是Powershell脚本的新手。 Please help. 请帮忙。

$baseDir = "c:\TestResults"
$outputDir = "c:\Work\Logs"
$outputLogsDir = $outputDir + "\TestResults"
$nameToFind = "Log"

$paths = Get-ChildItem $baseDir -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name.EndsWith($nameToFind)}

if(!(test-path $outputLogsDir))
   New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $outputLogsDir

foreach($path in $paths)
   $sourcePath = $path.FullName + "\*"   
   Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath | Copy-Item -Destination $outputLogsDir -Recurse -Container

What you are after is as below. 您所追求的如下。 it will copy the item and dir if any part of it has "\\log" in it. 它将复制项目和目录,如果其中任何部分包含“ \\ log”。

$gci = Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\TestResults" -Recurse

Foreach($item in $gci){
    If($item.FullName -like "*\log*"){
        Copy-Item -Path $item.FullName -Destination $($item.FullName.Replace("C:\TestResults","C:\Work\Logs\TestResults")) -Force

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