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pandas groupby聚合具有多列的自定义函数

[英]pandas groupby aggregate customised function with multiple columns

I am trying to use a customised function with groupby in pandas. 我正在尝试在pandas中使用groupby的自定义函数。 I find that using apply allows me to do that in the following way: 我发现使用apply允许我以下列方式执行此操作:

(An example which calculates a new mean from two groups) (从两组计算新均值的示例)

import pandas as pd

def newAvg(x):
    x['cm'] = x['count']*x['mean']
    sCount = x['count'].sum()
    sMean = x['cm'].sum()
    return sMean/sCount

data = [['A', 4, 2.5], ['A', 3, 6], ['B', 4, 9.5], ['B', 3, 13]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['pool', 'count', 'mean'])

df_gb = df.groupby(['pool']).apply(newAvg)

Is it possible to integrate this into an agg function? 是否可以将其集成到agg函数中? Along these lines: 沿着这些方向:

df.groupby(['pool']).agg({'count': sum, ['count', 'mean']: apply(newAvg)})

Function agg working with each column separately, so possible solution is create column cm first with assign and then aggregate sum , last divide each columns: 函数agg处理每个列,因此可能的解决方案是先创建列cm ,然后使用assign然后汇总sum ,最后划分每列:

df_gb = df.assign(cm=df['count']*df['mean']).groupby('pool')['cm','count'].sum()
print (df_gb)
        cm  count
A     28.0      7
B     77.0      7

out = df_gb.pop('cm') / df_gb.pop('count')
print (out)
A     4.0
B    11.0
dtype: float64

A dictionary with agg is used to perform separate calculations for each series. 带有agg的字典用于为每个系列执行单独的计算。 For your problem, I suggest pd.concat : 对于你的问题,我建议pd.concat

g = df.groupby('pool')
res = pd.concat([g['count'].sum(), g.apply(newAvg).rename('newAvg')], axis=1)


#       count  newAvg
# pool               
# A         7     4.0
# B         7    11.0

This isn't the most efficient solution as your function newAvg is performing calculations which can be performed on the entire dataframe initially, but it does support arbitrary pre-defined calculations. 这不是最有效的解决方案,因为您的函数newAvg正在执行可以在最初对整个数据帧执行的计算,但它确实支持任意预定义的计算。


df.groupby(['pool']).apply(lambda x : pd.Series({'count':sum(x['count']),'newavg':newAvg(x)}))
      count  newavg
A       7.0     4.0
B       7.0    11.0

Use assign with eval : 使用带有eval assign

  .groupby('pool', as_index=False)['cm','count'].sum()\
  .eval('AggCol = cm / count')

Output: 输出:

  pool    cm  count  AggCol
0    A  28.0      7     4.0
1    B  77.0      7    11.0

If you are calculating a weighted average, you can do it easily using agg and NumPy np.average function. 如果您正在计算加权平均值,则可以使用agg和NumPy np.average函数轻松np.average Just read the Series for the 'mean' column: 只需阅读系列中的“均值”列:

df_gb = df.groupby(['pool']).agg(lambda x: np.average(x['mean'], weights=x['count']))['mean']

You could also do it using your newAvg function, although this will produce warnings: 您也可以使用newAvg函数执行此操作,但这会产生警告:

df_gb2 = df.groupby(['pool']).agg(newAvg)['mean']

If you are willing to use newAvg function, you can redefine it to avoid working on copies: 如果您愿意使用newAvg函数,可以重新定义它以避免处理副本:

def newAvg(x):
    cm = x['count']*x['mean']
    sCount = x['count'].sum()
    sMean = cm.sum()
    return sMean/sCount

With this modification, you get your expected output: 通过此修改,您可以获得预期的输出:

df_gb2 = df.groupby(['pool']).agg(newAvg)['mean']

# pool
# A     4.0
# B    11.0
# Name: mean, dtype: float64

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