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[英]Detecting when a value changed in a specific variable in Android

I have an int variable called mCurrentIndex . 我有一个名为mCurrentIndexint变量。 I want to do something when its value changes. 当值改变时,我想做一些事情。

For example: 例如:

public class MainActivity extends Activity{

private int mCurrentIndex = 0;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Apps logic.

   public onCurrentIndexValueChange(){



If the scope on mCurrentIndex is only in MainActivity then I think it would be best just to create getter and setter methods for mCurrentIndex and at the end of the setter method call onCurrentIndexValueChange() 如果mCurrentIndex的作用域仅在MainActivity中,那么我认为最好是为mCurrentIndex创建getter和setter方法,并在setter方法的末尾调用onCurrentIndexValueChange()

public int getIndex(){
  return this.mCurrentIndex;

public void setIndex(int value){
  this.mCurrentIndex = value;

you can use a setter function 您可以使用设置器功能

 private int mCurrentIndex = 1;
 public void setCurrentIndex(int newValueFormCurrentIndex)
   if(newValueFormCurrentIndex != mCurrentIndex)
     mCurrentIndex = newValueFormCurrentIndex;

One approach to solving this is using Android's LiveData . 解决此问题的一种方法是使用Android的LiveData

In your situation, since you'd like to observe an int , you can do something like this: 在您的情况下,由于您想观察一个int ,因此可以执行以下操作:

public MutableLiveData<Integer> mCurrentIndex = new MutableLiveData<>();

To change your value, you would do this: 要更改您的价值,您可以这样做:

mCurrentIndex.setValue(12345); // Replace 12345 with your int value.

To observe the changes you would do the following : 要观察更改,您可以执行以下操作

mCurrentIndex.observe(this, new Observer<Integer>() {
        public void onChanged(@Nullable final Integer newIntValue) {
            // Update the UI, in this case, a TextView.
            mNameTextView.setText("My new current index is: " + newIntValue);

This approach is useful because you can define a ViewModel to segregate your logic from your Activity while having the UI observe and reflect the changes that occur. 这种方法很有用,因为您可以定义一个ViewModel来将您的逻辑与Activity隔离开,同时让UI观察并反映发生的更改。

By separating your logic out to the ViewModel, your logic becomes more easily testable since writing tests for your ViewModel is relatively easier than writing tests for your Activity. 通过将您的逻辑分离到ViewModel,您的逻辑变得更易于测试,因为为ViewModel编写测试比为Activity编写测试相对容易。

For more information on LiveData check out this link . 有关LiveData的更多信息,请查看此链接

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