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[英]Jacoco report 0 classes

I am new with mvn & jacoco and I have an issue with mvn jacoco:report who found 0 classes in the jacoco.exec file 我是mvn&jacoco的新手,并且mvn jacoco:report有一个问题,他在jacoco.exec文件中找到了0个类

The jacoco agent is executed inside a docker container : -javaagent:/opt/jboss/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent.jar=destfile=/opt/jboss/jacoco/jacoco.exec,output=tcpserver,address=*,port=6667 jacoco代理在docker容器内执行: -javaagent:/opt/jboss/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent.jar=destfile=/opt/jboss/jacoco/jacoco.exec,output=tcpserver,address=*,port=6667

I passed the option in standalone.conf 我在standalone.conf中通过了该选项

# Specify options to pass to the Java VM.
if [ "x$JAVA_OPTS" = "x" ]; then
   JAVA_OPTS="-Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MetaspaceSize=96M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true"
   JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=$JBOSS_MODULES_SYSTEM_PKGS -Djava.awt.headless=true"
   JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -javaagent:/opt/jboss/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent.jar=destfile=/opt/jboss/jacoco/jacoco.exec,output=tcpserver,address=*,port=6667"
   echo "JAVA_OPTS already set in environment; overriding default settings with values: $JAVA_OPTS"

is it enough? 够了吗

When I launched jacoco:dump I successfully connect to my container and a jacoco.exec file is created locally (not empty) 当我启动jacoco:dump我成功连接到我的容器,并且在本地创建了jacoco.exec文件(不为空)

My app is like that : 我的应用程序是这样的:

  • Docker container : wildfly (where I need code coverage) Docker容器:wildfly(需要覆盖代码的地方)
  • Local machine : My maven application 本地机器:我的Maven应用程序
  • Local machine : My selenium maven project (where I execute jacoco) 本地计算机:我的Selenium Maven项目(在其中执行jacoco)

My plugin config pom : 我的插件配置pom:


Edit : The jacococli generate a report so my exec file is correct 编辑:jacococli生成一个报告,所以我的exec文件是正确的

Edit : Ok so I think I find my issue the problem is my maven app is a dependency of my selenium project, it seems that jacoco-maven-plugin is unable to use a dependency (to get all the class files) to create the report but with ant there is more options so here is my solution : 编辑:好的,所以我认为我发现我的问题是我的Maven应用程序是我的硒项目的依赖项,似乎jacoco-maven-plugin无法使用依赖项(获取所有类文件)来创建报告但是用ant有更多选择,所以这是我的解决方案:

                            <target name="report">
                                <!-- Execute an ant task within maven -->
                                <echo message="Generating JaCoCo Reports" />
                                <taskdef name="report"
                                        path="xxxtarget/*.jar" />
                                <mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/coverage-report" />
                                        <fileset dir="${basedir}/target">
                                            <include name="jacoco.exec" />
                                    <structure name="Integration Tests Coverage Report">
                                            <fileset dir="xxx/target" >
                                                <include name="*.jar"/>
                                    <html destdir="${basedir}/target/coverage-report/html" />

I finally have the report automatically generated by the pom 我终于有了pom自动生成的报告

thanks 谢谢

How are you executing the jacoco report goal? 您如何执行jacoco报告目标?

You can try running the command something like this: 您可以尝试运行以下命令:

mvn -B -DskipTests org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:report -Djacoco.dataFile="<..>\target\jacoco-merged.exec"

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