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如何在 MVC 主控制器中将 http post 请求数据读取为 JSON?

[英]How to read http post request data as JSON in MVC home controller?

I have a home controller method below which is invoked from a http post request.我有一个主控制器方法,它是从 http post 请求调用的。 I need to read the request data and send it to the view.我需要读取请求数据并将其发送到视图。 Is there a way to look at the raw data without creating parameters in the SaveResponse() ?有没有办法查看原始数据而不在 SaveResponse() 中创建参数? Thanks for any suggestions.感谢您的任何建议。

 public ActionResult SaveResponse()
        //Read the http post request body as json and send it to view

        return View("CallbackView");

The request body will be in JSON format.请求正文将采用 JSON 格式。

    "firstName": "Test”,
    "lastName": “Lastname”,
        "streetAddress": "123 springs lane",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "postalCode": 10021

You can do it by reading Request.InputStream你可以通过阅读Request.InputStream

public ActionResult SaveResponse()
    string json;
    using (var reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.InputStream))
        json = reader.ReadToEnd();

    return View("CallbackView");

or you can accept string parameter and model binder will do everything for you, but you need to pass data as a string via json parameter.或者您可以接受string参数,模型绑定器将为您完成所有工作,但您需要通过json参数将数据作为字符串传递。 Some of available options一些可用选项

  • Set Content-Type: application/json and payload like {"json": "{id:44}"}设置Content-Type: application/json和有效负载,如{"json": "{id:44}"}

  • Set Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded and payload like json={id:44}设置Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded和有效负载,如json={id:44}


public ActionResult SaveResponse(string json)
    return View("CallbackView");

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