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[英]mac does not appear to be a git repository miss a slash

I 一世

git clone -v https://test.example.cc/Taotie/discover.git /Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover

It fail. 失败了

git clone https://test.example.cc/Taotie/discover.git
Cloning into 'discover'...
fatal: 'git@test.example.ccTaotie/discover.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

but if I 但是如果我

git clone https://github.com/xormplus/xorm.git

it works. 有用。

I don't know why it miss a "/" int the git url . 我不知道为什么它会错过git url中的“ /”整数。

and if I 如果我

git clone git@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.git

it works,because I have already add my mac rsa_pub into the gitlab and I can always git clone success with this format 它有效,因为我已经将mac rsa_pub添加到gitlab中,并且我总是可以使用这种格式git clone成功

 git clone git@test.example.cc:anything/project.

The reason I ask this question it that I use go get and it return error 我问这个问题的原因是我使用go get并返回错误

bogon:Taotie Macbook$   go get test.example.cc/Taotie/discover
# cd .; git clone https://test.example.cc/Taotie/discover.git /Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover
Cloning into '/Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover'...
fatal: 'git@test.example.ccTaotie/discover.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
package test.example.cc/Taotie/discover: exit status 128

Finally git config --global url."git@test.example.cc:".insteadOf "https://test.example.cc/" solved my problem~~~ 终于git config --global url."git@test.example.cc:".insteadOf "https://test.example.cc/"解决了我的问题~~~

As @Oren_C said: 正如@Oren_C所说:

"fatal: 'git@test.example.ccTaotie/discover.git' does not appear to be a git repository" This is a syntax related to cloning with SSH. “致命:'git@test.example.ccTaotie/discover.git'似乎不是git存储库”这是与SSH克隆相关的语法。

You're cloning with SSH that being said and the repo exists, the only option left would be that you didn't add a SSH public key to your git instance. 您正在说的是SSH克隆,并且该存储库存在,剩下的唯一选择是您没有在git实例中添加SSH公钥。

You can copy it from ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 您可以从~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub复制它

Edit 编辑

OP had used a wrongly url. OP使用了错误的网址。 The fix was to use: git@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.git Note the : between host and repo instead of / 解决方法是使用: git@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.gitgit@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.git注意主机和git@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.git之间的:而不是/

Edit 2 编辑2

To clone the repo into your given directory use the following command: 要将仓库复制到给定目录中,请使用以下命令:

git clone git@test.example.cc:Taotie/discover.git /Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover

This will clone the repo in the given directory: /Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover . 这会将/Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover复制到给定目录: /Users/Macbook/go/src/test.example.cc/Taotie/discover

last edit 最后编辑

To clone it with Golang you should add a configuration: 要使用Golang克隆它,您应该添加配置:

git config --global url."git@test.example.cc:".insteadOf "https://test.example.cc/"

This replaces the generated git url to be formatted correctly in the form of: git@host.tld/name/repo.git 这将替换生成的git url,并以以下格式正确格式化: git@host.tld/name/repo.git

Then just run go get https://test.example.cc/Taotie/discover.git 然后运行go get https://test.example.cc/Taotie/discover.git

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