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[英]Excel - COUNTIFS comparing dates does not return any values

After searching through hundreds of COUNTIFS questions, I can't find the answer, so please bear with me. 在搜索了数百个COUNTIFS问题之后,我找不到答案,因此请耐心等待。

I want to count the number of projects where State=Completed AND Actual End Date is Less Than Planned Finish. 我想计算State = Completed并且实际结束日期小于计划完成的项目数。

Data is as follows: 数据如下: 在此处输入图片说明

This statement works: =COUNTIFS(Table1[State],"Completed",Table1[Actual End Date],">0") (value = 75) 该语句有效: =COUNTIFS(Table1[State],"Completed",Table1[Actual End Date],">0") (值= 75)

Changing the 2nd criteria though returns 0: =COUNTIFS(Table1[State],"Completed",Table1[Actual End Date],"<="&Table1[Planned Finish]) 更改第二个条件虽然会返回0: =COUNTIFS(Table1[State],"Completed",Table1[Actual End Date],"<="&Table1[Planned Finish])

Actual value should be 31 (obtained via a helper column) but I'd like to avoid the helper column if possible - and I think that it is possible, I'm just not sure how to do so. 实际值应为31(可通过helper列获取),但我想尽可能避免使用helper列-而且我认为有可能,但我不确定该怎么做。

The criteria cannot be a range, it must be a single value. 条件不能是范围,它必须是单个值。 COUNTIFS will not work for that reason. 因此,COUNTIFS将无法使用。


=SUMPRODUCT((Table1[State]="Completed")*(Table1[Actual End Date]<=Table1[Planned Finish]))

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