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将AutoSuggestBox添加到Hamburger Navigation的正确方法?

[英]Proper way to add an AutoSuggestBox to Hamburger Navigation?

I'm just starting to learn UWP and xaml. 我刚刚开始学习UWP和xaml。 What is the proper way to add a AutoSuggestBox to the Side Navigation panel? 将AutoSuggestBox添加到“侧面导航”面板的正确方法是什么? (Sorry for the bad code formatting in advance, copy and paste wasn't great) (对不起,如果代码格式化错误,复制和粘贴效果不好)

My Main.xaml has an AutoSuggestArea that I have set to Visible 我的Main.xaml具有我设置为Visible的AutoSuggestArea

  <VisualStateGroup x:Name="AutoSuggestGroup">
    <VisualState x:Name="AutoSuggestBoxVisible"/>
    <VisualState x:Name="AutoSuggestBoxCollapsed">
    <Setter Target="AutoSuggestArea.Visibility" Value="Visible"/>

and in the Grid for the AutoSuggestArea I have defined an AutoSuggestBox 在AutoSuggestArea的网格中,我定义了一个AutoSuggestBox

<Grid x:Name="AutoSuggestArea" Height="44" Grid.Row="3" VerticalAlignment="Center">

<ContentControl x:Name="PaneAutoSuggestBoxPresenter" Content="{TemplateBinding AutoSuggestBox}" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" IsTabStop="False" Margin="16,0,16,0" VerticalContentAlignment="Center"/>

<Button x:Name="PaneAutoSuggestButton" Content="&#xE11A;" MinHeight="44" Style="{TemplateBinding PaneToggleButtonStyle}" Visibility="Collapsed" Width="{TemplateBinding CompactPaneLength}"/>

    <AutoSuggestBox Width="234" VerticalAlignment="Center" 
       PlaceholderText="Search" Name ="boxS"                            
          <Style TargetType="TextBox">
          <Setter Property="IsHandwritingViewEnabled" Value="False"/>
          <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0"/>
          <SymbolIcon Symbol="Find" Foreground="Black">                                                   
             <CompositeTransform ScaleX="1" ScaleY="1"/>                                         

What I want is basically Identical Behaviour as the Groove Music app on Windows, where the Search bar disappears as the Nav View is closed or Minimized. 我想要的基本上是与Windows上的Groove Music应用程序相同的行为,其中当导航视图关闭或最小化时,搜索栏消失。

Instead I get this 相反,我得到这个

I am assuming you meant NavigationView by NavigationPanel . 我假设您的意思是NavigationViewNavigationPanel

This is not how you put an AutoSuggestBox in NavigationView . 这不是将AutoSuggestBox放在NavigationView NavigationView has an NavigationView.AutoSuggestBox property. NavigationView具有NavigationView.AutoSuggestBox属性。 You just set an AutoSuggestBox on this property, and every thing will work as expected. 您只需在此属性上设置一个AutoSuggestBox ,一切都会按预期进行。 Like this: 像这样:

        <AutoSuggestBox x:Name="NavViewSearchBox" QueryIcon="Find"/>

You don't have to hide/show this AutoSuggestBox yourself. 您不必自己隐藏/显示此AutoSuggestBox NavigationView will automatically do this for you. NavigationView将自动为您执行此操作。 Also, you don't have to put thie AutoSuggestBox inside any grid or anything. 另外,您不必将AutoSuggestBox放置在任何网格或任何内部。

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