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Azure DevOps部署概述

[英]Azure DevOps deploy overview

I am looking for some help to understand how to use Azure DevOps to deploy the application I am working on to a Windows VM. 我正在寻找一些帮助,以了解如何使用Azure DevOps将正在处理的应用程序部署到Windows VM。

Currently process: Our code is currently in Azure Git repo and we have two QA servers, the QA servers have been setup already. 当前正在处理:我们的代码当前在Azure Git存储库中,并且我们有两个QA服务器,已经设置了QA服务器。 Every time we go to QA server to manually pull the lastest code with command line git pull command. 每次我们进入质量检查服务器,使用命令行git pull命令手动提取最新代码。 Then run a web page to upgrade/downgrade database if database script has been updated. 如果数据库脚本已更新,则运行网页升级/降级数据库。

Goal: Would use Azure DevOps to automate the process. 目标:将使用Azure DevOps自动化该过程。

Here is what I would know: 这是我所知道的:

  • 1) With Azure DevOps, when deploying the code to QA server, could we only copy over the changed files? 1)使用Azure DevOps,将代码部署到QA服务器时,是否只能复制更改的文件? The software package is pretty big, it would take long time to copy the whole thing. 该软件包非常大,要复制整个过程将花费很长时间。
  • 2) How Azure DevOps move files to QA server, does it use Git pull or file copy? 2)Azure DevOps如何将文件移动到QA服务器,它使用Git pull还是文件复制?
  • 3) When using Azure DevOps tools, could we trigger a http(s) request? 3)使用Azure DevOps工具时,是否可以触发http(s)请求?
  • 4) Is there any tool I could check if Git repo has updates? 4)有什么工具可以检查Git仓库是否有更新?
  • 5) Is there any tool support if/else logic, because we would trigger the http(s) request only if Git repo has changes. 5)是否有任何工具支持if / else逻辑,因为只有在Git存储库发生更改时,我们才会触发http(s)请求。

Just would get an overall idea. 只是会得到一个整体的想法。

  1. as far as I know there is no layering\\caching. 据我所知,没有分层\\缓存。
  2. how would it use git pull to download from a web server? 它将如何使用git pull从Web服务器下载? its using http request to download the package 使用http请求下载程序包
  3. not sure I understand the question, but you can have a script step in the deployment and do whatever you like (ie http(s) request) 不确定我是否理解这个问题,但是您可以在部署中执行脚本步骤,然后执行您喜欢的任何操作(即http(s)请求)
  4. this question doesnt make sense, you can use git command line, but I dont understand how that ties to the release process. 这个问题没有道理,您可以使用git命令行,但是我不明白这与发布过程有何关系。 you should build your code on commit and create a package that you would later consume in the release process 您应该在提交时构建代码,并创建一个包,稍后在发布过程中使用
  5. read 3 and 4. 阅读3和4。

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