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Angular treetable(Primeng 树表)——获取所有子节点的父节点

[英]Angular treetable (Primeng tree table) - get all the parent node of the chIldren

I am using primengtreetable to build a tree using angular2.我正在使用primengtreetable 使用angular2 构建一棵树。 Once I select a node, I want to know the 'parent node' of the selected one as weell as selected node.一旦我选择了一个节点,我想知道所选节点的“父节点”以及所选节点。


In this case if i click 4 , i want to know about the data about the clicked node (4) and parent node ( Ranchi and Aamir).在这种情况下,如果我单击 4 ,我想知道有关单击节点 (4) 和父节点( Ranchi 和 Aamir) 的数据。

What changes can be done in initial files to get the result?可以在初始文件中进行哪些更改以获得结果?

Tree Table Html :树表 HTML :

<h3 class="first">Basic</h3>
<p-treeTable [value]="data">
  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowNode let-rowData="rowData">
        <p-treeTableToggler [rowNode]="rowNode"></p-treeTableToggler>
        <a routerLink="/overzicht-signal/details" *ngIf="!rowNode.node.children">{{ rowData[_object.keys(rowData)[0]] }}</a>
        <span *ngIf="rowNode.node.children">{{ rowData[_object.keys(rowData)[0]]}}</span>

Typescript file :打字稿文件

export class CollapsibleBrinVestigingComponent implements OnInit{

  signalFilter: any[]

  data: any[] = [];

  _object = Object;

  constructor( private signalService: OverzichtSignalService) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {
    //this.signalService.getFilesystem().subscribe(x => {this.responseData = x});
    this.signalFilter = this.signalService.getOverzichtSignalenOrderByBrinVestigingSignalcode();
    this.signalFilter.forEach(element => {
      let tmp: any = {
        data: {},
        children: []
      Object.keys(element).forEach(prop => {
        if (prop != 'signalenVestiging') {
          tmp.data[prop] = element[prop];
        } else {
          element[prop].forEach(c1 => {
            let tmp1: any = {
              data: {},
              children: []
            Object.keys(c1).forEach(prop1 => {
              if (prop1 != 'signalenCode') {
                tmp1.data[prop1] = c1[prop1];
              } else {
                c1[prop1].forEach(c2 => {
                  tmp1.children.push({ data: c2 });



Service class服务类

export class OverzichtSignalService {

      "brinname": "Aamir",
      "aantalPersonen": "122",
      "signalenVestiging": [
          "vestiging": "Ranchi",
          "aantalPersonen": "102",
          "signalenCode": [
              "signaalCode": "4",
              "aantalPersonen": "15"
              "signaalCode": "5",
              "aantalPersonen": "15"
          "vestiging": "Bangalore",
          "aantalPersonen": "82",
          "signalenCode": [
              "signaalCode": "6",
              "aantalPersonen": "15"
              "signaalCode": "7",
              "aantalPersonen": "15"
      "brinname": "Abhinav",
      "aantalPersonen": "122",
      "signalenVestiging": [
          "vestiging": "Bangalore",
          "aantalPersonen": "102",
          "signalenCode": [
              "signaalCode": "7",
              "aantalPersonen": "15"

  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {

  getOverzichtSignalenOrderByBrinVestigingSignalcode() {


From the service class it return the Json messages in a format which formatted it in tree- table structure ( primeng) Json format and USE IT TO HTML file to show the data.它从服务类返回 Json 消息,该格式将其格式化为树形表结构 (primeng) Json 格式,并将其用于 HTML 文件以显示数据。

Here is example with one parent.这是一位家长的例子。 (For removing route (eg node)). (用于删除路由(例如节点))。


    <p-tree [value]="routes"

    <a class="btn btn-primary"
           (click)="removeRoute(selected)">Remove Page</a>


removeRoute(node) {
   const parent: any = this.findById(this.routes, node.parentId);
   const index = parent.children.findIndex(c => c.id === node.id);

   parent.children.splice(index, 1);

 findById(data, id) {
   for (const node of data) {
     if (node.id === id) {
       return node;

     if (node.children) {
       const desiredNode = this.findById(node.children, id);
       if (desiredNode) {
         return desiredNode;
   return false;

i am able to get the soution.我能够得到解决方案。

I have used onNodeSelect api from Treenode.我使用了 Treenode 的 onNodeSelect api。 On click of node, im just checking the node has any child node or not.单击节点时,我只是检查节点是否有任何子节点。 If they dont have, i am getting last child node data using event.node.data and then calling a fuction and traverse back to parent and getting the data of parent.如果他们没有,我将使用 event.node.data 获取最后一个子节点数据,然后调用函数并遍历回父节点并获取父节点的数据。

 nodeSelect(event) {
    if(!event.node.children) {
      this.signalenCodeNode = event.node.data

  getParentDetails(node: TreeNode) {
      this.signalenVestigingNode= node.parent.data
         this.signalenBrin= node.parent.parent.data


<h3 class="first">Basic</h3>
<p-treeTable [value]="data" selectionMode="single" [(selection)]="selectedNode" (onNodeSelect)="nodeSelect($event)">
  <ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowNode let-rowData="rowData">
    <tr >
      <td [ttSelectableRow]="rowNode" >
        <p-treeTableToggler [rowNode]="rowNode"></p-treeTableToggler>
        <span>{{ rowData[_object.keys(rowData)[0]] }} </span>

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