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[英]how to create Firewall Rules with API in Azure?

I need to create Firewall Rules in a database in Azure, to allow certain ips to access, I found that documentation but I do not know exactly what steps to do. 我需要在Azure的数据库中创建防火墙规则,以允许某些ip访问,但我发现了该文档,但我不知道该怎么做。

https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/rest/api/sql/firewallrules/createorupdate https://docs.microsoft.com/es-es/rest/api/sql/firewallrules/createorupdate

I already know how to consume a service using GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE. 我已经知道如何使用GET,PUT,POST或DELETE使用服务。 but for more that I send the POST it returns this to me. 但是对于我发送的更多信息,POST将其返回给我。


I think I need to send the credentials, before sending the POST 我认为我需要先发送凭据,然后再发送POST

How to do this? 这个怎么做? the other question is that I do not want to do it directly from the portal, because I need a program that I am developing to do it through the consumption of the API 另一个问题是我不想直接从门户网站进行操作,因为我需要一个正在开发的程序来通过使用API​​来执行此操作

you need to use your subscription id, not your subscription name: 您需要使用您的订阅ID,而不是您的订阅名称:

                            ^ put resourceId here

easiest way to retrieve that - go to that portal to the sql server in question and look up the url. 最简单的检索方法-转到有问题的sql server的门户并查找url。 it will be the exact same url (except for the first part). 它将是完全相同的网址(第一部分除外)。 here's url from the portal for kv resource: 以下是kv资源门户网站的网址:

                                 ^ this is where the resourceId starts

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