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Google Smart Home-报告状态实时供稿

[英]Google Smart Home - Report State Real-Time Feed

I have an application that receives and run correctly the SYNC, QUERY, EXECUTE sent by Google Actions. 我有一个可以接收并正确运行Google Actions发送的SYNC,QUERY,EXECUTE的应用程序。

I too configured Report State in HomeGraph console. 我也在HomeGraph控制台中配置了“报告状态”。 It works fine, but when I send a change report command to HomeGraph and it's accepted, nothing is updated in the Google home app, is this right? 它工作正常,但是当我向HomeGraph发送更改报告命令并被接受时,Google home应用中没有任何更新,对吗? is the correct behavior? 正确的行为?

I forget to do something else? 我忘记做其他事情了吗?

My sync response sends the device with willRportSate: true 我的同步响应向设备发送了willRportSate:true

tks in advance 提前tks

如果您从报告状态命令获得HTTP 200响应,则说明此操作正确。

I have recently implemented HomeGraph to my action. 我最近已将HomeGraph实现为我的操作。 I found that if there is something wrong with the request google will return some error in the form of JSON with a different status code. 我发现,如果请求有问题,Google会以不同状态代码的JSON形式返回一些错误。

But as it is said above, if you got 200 OK , then everything is OK from your side. 但是如上所述,如果您获得200 OK ,那么从您的角度来看一切都很好。 For my requests, I get a response with the uuid that I give with a 200 OK status code. 对于我的请求,我得到的uuid响应为200 OK状态代码。

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