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[英]Issue with Configobj-python and list items

I am trying to read .ini file with keywords having single items or list items. 我正在尝试使用具有单个项目或列表项目的关键字来读取.ini文件。 When I try to print single item strings and float values, it prints as h,e,l,l,o and 2, ., 1 respectively, whereas it should have been just hello and 2.1 . 当我尝试打印单个项目字符串和浮点值时,它分别打印为h,e,l,l,o2, ., 1 ,而应该只是hello2.1 Also, when I try to write new single item string/float/integer, there is , at the end. 此外,当我尝试写新的单个项目串/浮点/整数,有,在年底。 I am new to python and dealing with configobj . 我是python和configobj Any help is appreciated and if this question has been answered previously, please direct me to it. 感谢您的帮助,如果以前已回答过此问题,请直接向我提出。 Thanks! 谢谢!

from configobj import ConfigObj


config = ConfigObj('para_file.ini')
para = config['Parameters']
print(", ".join(para['name']))
print(", ".join(para['type']))
print(", ".join(para['value']))


new_names = 'hello1'
para['name'] = [x.strip(' ') for x in new_names.split(",")]
new_types = '3.1'
para['type'] = [x.strip(' ') for x in new_types.split(",")]
new_values = '4'
para['value'] = [x.strip(' ') for x in new_values.split(",")]

My para_file.ini looks like this, 我的para_file.ini看起来像这样,


name = hello1
type = 2.1
value = 2

There are two parts to your question. 您的问题分为两部分。

  1. Options in ConfigObj can be either a string, or a list of strings. ConfigObj中的选项可以是字符串,也可以是字符串列表。

     [Parameters] name = hello1 # This will be a string pets = Fluffy, Spot # This will be a list with 2 items town = Bismark, ND # This will also be a list of 2 items!! alt_town = "Bismark, ND" # This will be a string opt1 = foo, # This will be a list of 1 item (note the trailing comma) 

    So, if you want something to appear as a list in ConfigObj, you must make sure it includes a comma. 因此,如果您希望某些内容在ConfigObj中显示为列表,则必须确保它包含逗号。 A list of one item must have a trailing comma. 一项的列表必须带有逗号结尾。

  2. In Python, strings are iterable. 在Python中,字符串是可迭代的。 So, even though they are not a list, they can be iterated over. 因此,即使它们不是列表,也可以对其进行迭代。 That means in an expression like 这意味着像

     print(", ".join(para['name'])) 

    The string para['name'] will be iterated over, producing the list ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '1'] , which Python dutifully joins together with spaces, producing 字符串para['name']将被遍历,产生列表['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '1'] ,Python会尽职地将其与空格连接在一起,生产

     hello 1 

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