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[英]How to covert JavaScript string to executable code in node.js

I have saved query in database. 我已将查询保存在数据库中。 I can get query as a string. 我可以查询字符串。

INSERT INTO alertsV SET Instance_ID = ${body.add.Instance_ID}

But ${body.add.Instance_ID} is not replacing with value. 但是${body.add.Instance_ID}不会替换为值。

expected result should be INSERT INTO alertsV SET Instance_ID = 1234 预期结果应为INSERT INTO alertsV SET Instance_ID = 1234

I am using nodejs. 我正在使用nodejs。 Please help me how to fix this. 请帮助我解决此问题。 Here is the function. 这是功能。

  saveFormData: async function (req, res) {
     let form_id = parseInt(req.body.form_id);
     let body = req.body.form_data;
     let saveQuery = await sails.orientDb.command('select actions.save as 
     saveQuery from form where form_id=' + form_id).one();

     saveQuery = saveQuery.saveQuery; // i can get string here 'INSERT INTO alertsV SET Instance_ID = ${body.add.Instance_ID}'
     let result = await sails.orientDb.command(saveQuery).one();
     return res.json(result);

You can wrap a string in the template literal backticks and pass it to eval to run string interpolation: 您可以将字符串包装在模板文字反引号中,并将其传递给eval以运行字符串插值:

saveQuery = eval('`' + saveQuery.saveQuery + '`'); 

 const a = 10; const str = 'test ${a} test'; console.log(eval('`' + str + '`')); /* if it's required to wrap the interpolated value into a quotes, you can do that by wrapping the embedded expression, prior to interpolation: */ console.log(eval('`' + str.replace(/(\\${.*})/, '\\'$1\\'') + '`')); 

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