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[英]A segmentation fault?

I am currently working on this project for school, where I am implementing an algorithm to find a solution for the 'knight game' (it's about finding the shortest way from the top left corner of the board to the bottom right corner), but I've been getting this segmentation fault for three days now, I've checked every pointer I used and everything seems right.我目前正在为学校开展这个项目,在那里我正在实施一种算法来找到“骑士游戏”的解决方案(这是关于找到从棋盘左上角到右下角的最短路径),但我三天来一直出现这个分段错误,我检查了我使用的每个指针,一切似乎都正确。 I implemented " searching algorithms, bfs and dfs and ucs, the first two ones work fine, but ucs gives me the segmentation fault, even though they use the same thing except a popBest function. Here are some pictures of the ucs and popBest function:我实现了“搜索算法,bfs 和 dfs 和 ucs,前两个工作正常,但 ucs 给了我分段错误,即使它们使用相同的东西,除了 popBest 函数。以下是 ucs 和 popBest 函数的一些图片:

Item *popBest( list_t *list ) // and remove the best board from the list.

  int min_f;

  Item *item = list->first;
  Item *best;
  min_f = list->first->f;

  while (item) {
    if (item->f < min_f) {
      min_f = item->f;
      best = item;
    item = item->next;
  //item = onList(list, board);
  delList(list, best);

  return best;

void ucs(void)
    Item *cur_node, *child_p, *temp;

    while ( listCount(&openList_p) ) { /* While items are on the open list 
        printLt(openList_p );
        /* Get the first item on the open list*/
        cur_node = popBest(&openList_p);
        //printf("%d  %f\n", listCount(&openList_p), evaluateBoard( cur_node ));

        addFirst(&closedList_p, cur_node);

        if ( evaluateBoard(cur_node) == 0.0 ) {
            printf("\nParcours en largeur (bfs)\n" );
       else {
            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BOARD; i++) {
                child_p = getChildBoard( cur_node, i );

                if (child_p != NULL) {
                    child_p->f = cur_node->f+1;
                    temp = onList(&openList_p, child_p->board);
                    if (temp ==NULL) addLast( &openList_p, temp);
                    else if (temp != NULL && child_p->f < temp->f )
                        delList(&openList_p, temp);
                        addLast( &openList_p, temp);


All the functions work fine for bfs and dfs, the only difference is the popBest function. bfs 和 dfs 的所有函数都可以正常工作,唯一的区别是 popBest 函数。

You do list->first->f without checking whether list->first is the null pointer.你做list->first->f而不检查list->first是否是空指针。

The cause of your problem is probably that best is potentially uninitialised after the loop, and it will definitely be if the first element in the list is "best".您的问题的原因可能是best在循环后可能未初始化,如果列表中的第一个元素是“best”,那肯定是这样。

Here is a safer version.这是一个更安全的版本。

Item *popBest( list_t *list )

  // Assume that the first element is best.
  Item *best = list->first;
  int min_f = best->f;

  // Search from the second element (if it exists).
  Item* item = best->next;
  while (item) {
    if (item->f < min_f) {
      min_f = item->f;
      best = item;
    item = item->next;
  delList(list, best);
  return best;

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