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动态构建 EF 查询

[英]Dynamically Build EF Query

I am working on a dynamic query solution for a project.我正在为一个项目开发动态查询解决方案。 I want to avoid a bunch of if/else or switch statements just to change the [DynamicFieldName] part of these queries.我想避免一堆 if/else 或 switch 语句只是为了更改这些查询的 [DynamicFieldName] 部分。

        IQueryable<MyDataType> allItems = (from item in Context.MyDataTypes select item);

        foreach (QueryEntry currentEntry in query.Fields)
            allItems = allItems.Where(item => item.[DynamicFieldName] == currentEntry.Value);

The user gets to build the query via the GUI that has a variable number of fields.用户可以通过具有可变数量字段的 GUI 来构建查询。 In the end, they will also have a variety of comparisons to choose from (Less than, greater than, equal, contains, etc.) that vary by data type.最后,它们还将有多种比较可供选择(小于、大于、等于、包含等),这些比较因数据类型而异。

What method can I use to build this programatically in a nice reusable fashion?我可以使用什么方法以一种很好的可重用方式以编程方式构建它?

Have a look at this code:看看这个代码:

public static class CustomQueryBuilder
    //todo: add more operations
    public enum Operator
        Equal = 0,
        GreaterThan = 1,
        LesserThan = 2

    public static IQueryable<T> Where<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, string property, Operator operation, object value)
        //it's an item which property we are referring to
        ParameterExpression parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T));
        //this stands for "item.property"
        Expression prop = Expression.Property(parameter, property);

        //wrapping our value to use it in lambda
        ConstantExpression constant = Expression.Constant(value);

        Expression expression;
        //creating the operation
        //todo: add more cases
        switch (operation)
            case Operator.Equal:
                expression = Expression.Equal(prop, constant);
            case Operator.GreaterThan:
                expression = Expression.GreaterThan(prop, constant);
            case Operator.LesserThan:
                expression = Expression.LessThan(prop, constant);
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid operation specified");

        //create lambda ready to use in queries
        var lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(expression, parameter);

        return query.Where(lambda);


var users = context
    .Where("Name", CustomQueryBuilder.Operator.Equal, "User")

Which is equal to这等于

var users = context
    .Where(u => u.Name == "User")

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