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[英]Is there a way for git-log to not show any tags and/or branches?

I am dealing with some projects that have do not have sourcecode among many other projects that have changing sourcecode. 我正在处理一些没有源代码的项目,以及许多其他变化源代码的项目。 We also tag/branch all of the projects, together, over time. 随着时间的推移,我们还会一起标记/分支所有项目。 Therefore, the unchanging projects have a mountain of tags/branches on the tip commit. 因此,不变的项目在笔尖提交上有大量的标记/分支。 My current git is decorating the commits with tags/branches by default and, whereas this is usually preferable, the projects that have not changed in a very long time will have pages of tags/branches that need to be skipped over. 我当前的git默认情况下使用标签/分支装饰提交,这通常是更可取的,但是很长时间未更改的项目将具有标签/分支的页面,需要跳过这些页面。

How can I run a git-log and not print tags/branches? 如何运行git-log 而不打印标签/分支? I am primarily interested in hiding all of the tags, but I do not know what my options are. 我主要是想隐藏所有标签,但是我不知道我的选择是什么。

Thanks. 谢谢。

The option to show branches and tags is --decorate . 显示分支和标签的选项是--decorate You can turn it off with --no-decorate . 您可以使用--no-decorate将其关闭。 You can customize the format with --format . 您可以使用--format自定义格式。 See git-log . 参见git-log

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