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[英]Javascript alert messages and program flow

I have a problem with my function. 我的功能有问题。 I want the fireworks to start when the highscore is cracked (before the alert is displayed). 我希望烟花在高分破裂时开始播放(在显示警报之前)。 Instead, it is currently the case that the alerts are displayed first and then the fireworks are started in the main menu. 相反,当前情况是先显示警报,然后在主菜单中启动烟花。 In the main menu I would like to have finished it again. 在主菜单中,我想再次完成它。 Only if the player reads through the alert that the highscore was cracked, the fireworks should also be played. 仅当玩家通读高分被打破的警报时,才应播放烟花。 If the player clicks on Ok and thus reaches the main menu, it should be finished again. 如果玩家单击“确定”并进入主菜单,则应再次完成。 Does anyone have an idea how I can implement this? 有谁知道我该如何实施? Enclosed you will find my JavaScript code. 随函附上我的JavaScript代码。

let klick = 0;

display = document.querySelector('#time');

$("#start").click(function() { //clickfunktion beim starten.
  $("#start").fadeToggle(); //Der Startbutton geht weg
  $("#welcome").fadeToggle(); // Das Willkommensschild geht weg
  $("#zeitauswahl").fadeToggle(); //Die Auswahl der Sekunden verschwindet

  $("#time").fadeToggle(900); //Timer kommt 
    height: 'toggle' //inverse aktion...keine height --> klappt auf // aufgeklappt  ---> macht height weg
  }); //clicker wird gestartet 
    var d = $("#zeitauswahl option:selected").val(); //referenziert auf zeitauswahl und option

  var dauer = parseInt(d); //verwandelt Dauer in einen Int

  startTimer(dauer); //übergibt die variable dauer, und die Funktion wird gestartet.  

function startTimer(dauer) {
    let timer = parseInt(dauer);
  zeit = setInterval(runTimer, 1000); //zahl gibt an, wie oft die Function pro zeit wiederholt wird. Hier eine Sekunde (1000Millisekunden)
  function runTimer(){
    display.textContent = parseInt(timer); // zeigt sekunden-variable

    --timer; //setzt den timer immer einen herab

    if (timer < 0.00) {

      timer = 5;
      console.log(timer); //debug info
      $("#clicker").css("margin-top", "10%");
      $("#clicker").css("margin-left", "50%");

      alert("Sauber du hast " + klick + " klicks in 5 Sekunden geschafft!");
      alert('High Score ist ' + highScore(klick)); // zeigt den HighScore

      klick = 0


    } //wenn timer auf 0 ist, wird alles wieder angezeigt und die Interval-Function beendet



$("#clicker").click(function() {
  let zufall = Math.floor(Math.random() * 400) -200 //setzt eine zufällige höhe für den clicker
  let zufal = Math.floor(Math.random() * 450) //Zufällige Variable für den Linkswert

  klick = klick + 1 //setzt den zähler beim klicken eins hoch
  if (klick % 2 == 0) {
      opacity: '0.3', //macht den klicker leicht durchsichtig
      left: zufall + "px",
      top: zufal + "px"
    }, "fast"); //bewegt den Klick-Block auf eine zufällige Stelle
  } else {
      opacity: '1.0',  //macht den Klicker sichtbar
      left: zufall + "px",
      top: zufal + "px"
    }, "fast")



var fireworks = {

  ///////////////////////////// configuration ////////////////////////////

  // random colors
  _color: ['#D0D0D0', '#FF0000', '#FFFF00', '#22FF00', '#2040FF', '#00CCFF', '#FF00FF', '#A319D6'],
  // gravity factor
  _gravity: 0.07,
  // air resistance factor
  _resistance: 0.975,
  // zIndex of particles
  _zIndex: 20000,
  // maximal age of particles (in msec)
  _maxAge: 2000,
  // interval of appearing explosions (in msec)
  _interval: [500, 2500],
  // amount of particles per explosion
  _particlesPerExplosion: 40,
  // maximal speed of particle at moment of explosion
  _speed: 5,
  // minimal/maximal size of particle
  _minSize: 8,
  _maxSize: 12,

  ///////////////////////////// private vars /////////////////////////////

  _particles: [],
  _bodyWidth: 0,
  _bodyHeight: 0,
  _count: 0,
  _lastInterval: 0,

  ////////////////////////////// functions ///////////////////////////////

  // init fireworks
  init: function()
    this._addEventListener(window, 'resize', function() { return fireworks.resize.apply(fireworks); });
    this._addEventListener(window, 'load', function() { return fireworks.start.apply(fireworks); });

  // add an event listener
  _addEventListener: function(el, name, handler)
    if (el.addEventListener)
      el.addEventListener(name, handler, false); 
    else if (el.attachEvent)
      el.attachEvent('on' + name, handler);

  // start fireworks
  start: function()
    // init window size

    // start to move particles
    this._animFn = function() {fireworks._move();};
    this._lastInterval = this._time();


  // get current time
  _time: function()
    return +new Date();

  // return a random integer
  _random: function(value)
    return Math.random() * value;

  // return a random array element
  _randomArray: function(arr)
    return arr[
        Math.random() * (arr.length)

  // add a new explosion
  _addExplosion: function()
    var x = Math.floor(this._random(this._bodyWidth)),
      y = Math.floor((this._random(.5) + .1) * this._bodyHeight),
      dx = this._random(10) - 5,
      dy = this._random(-2) - 1,
      c1 = this._randomArray(this._color),
      c2 = this._randomArray(this._color);

    for (var i = 0; i < this._particlesPerExplosion; i++)
        i / (this._particlesPerExplosion - 1) * 180 * Math.PI,
        this._random(1) > .5 ? c1 : c2

      function() { return fireworks._addExplosion.apply(fireworks);},
      this._random(this._interval[1] - this._interval[0]) + this._interval[0]

  // creates a new particle
  _createParticle: function(x, y, dx, dy, rot, speed, color)
    var el = null,
      foundEl = false,
      p = this._particles;

    // look for old particle
    for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++)
      if (p[i].data.age > 1)
        el = p[i];
        foundEl = true;

    // create span child for particles
    if (!foundEl)
      el = document.createElement('div');
      el.className       = 'particle';
      el.style.position  = 'absolute';
      el.style.fontSize  = this._maxSize + 'px';
      el.style.zIndex    = this._zIndex;
      el.style.width     = this._maxSize + 'px';
      el.style.textAlign = 'center';
      el.style.overflow  = 'hidden';
      el.innerHTML       = '&#x25cf;';

    el.style.left  = x + 'px';
    el.style.top   = y + 'px';
    el.style.color = color;
    el.data = {
      x: x,
      y: y,
      dx: Math.cos(rot) * speed + dx,
      dy: Math.sin(rot) * speed + dy,
      color: color,
      age: Math.random() * .25

    if (!foundEl)

  // move existing particles
  _move: function()

    // calculate movement factor
    var dif = this._time() - this._lastInterval;
    this._lastInterval = this._time();

    var delta = dif / 20,
      p = this._particles,
      r = Math.pow(this._resistance, delta),
      g = this._gravity * delta,
      a = dif / this._maxAge;

    for (var i = 0, l = p.length; i < l; i++)
      el = p[i];
      d = el.data;

      if (d.age > 1)

      d.age += a;
      d.dy += g;
      d.dx *= r;
      d.dy *= r;
      d.x += d.dx * delta;
      d.y += d.dy * delta;

      if (d.x < 0)
        d.dx *= -1;
        d.x = 0;
      else if (d.x > this._bodyWidth)
        d.dx *= -1;
        d.x = this._bodyWidth;
      if (d.y < 0)
        d.dy *= -1;
        d.y = 0;
      else if (d.y > this._bodyHeight)
        d.dy *= -1;
        d.y = this._bodyHeight;

      if (d.age > 1)
        d.x = d.y = 0;

      el.style.left = d.x + 'px';
      el.style.top = d.y + 'px';
      el.style.color = (Math.random() * .5 + d.age >= 1) ? 'transparent' : d.color;
      el.style.fontSize = Math.max(this._minSize, (1 - d.age) * this._maxSize) + 'px';

  // calculate new positions for all particles
  resize: function()
    // get new width and height
    this._bodyWidth = this._getWindowWidth() - this._maxSize;
    this._bodyHeight = this._getWindowHeight() - this._maxSize - 10;

  // get window width
  _getWindowWidth: function()
    return document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].offsetWidth;

  // get window height
  _getWindowHeight: function()
    var h = Math.max(self.innerHeight || 0, window.innerHeight || 0);

    if (document.documentElement)
      h = Math.max(h, document.documentElement.clientHeight || 0);
    if (document.body)
      h = Math.max(h, document.body.clientHeight || 0);
      h = Math.max(h, document.body.scrollHeight || 0);
      h = Math.max(h, document.body.offsetHeight || 0);

    return h;


// shim layer with setTimeout fallback
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
  return  window.requestAnimationFrame       || 
      window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || 
      window.mozRequestAnimationFrame    || 
      window.oRequestAnimationFrame      || 
      window.msRequestAnimationFrame     || 
      function (cb){
      window.setTimeout(cb, 1000 / 60);

function highScore(score) {
  var saved = 0;

  saved = parseFloat(localStorage.getItem('highScore')) || 0; //nimmt zeichenketten Argument (highscore) und gibt Float. highscore oder 0
  score = parseFloat(score) || 0; 
  document.getElementById("highscore").innerHTML = saved;

  if (score > saved) {
    saved = score; //speichert neuen Highscore, wenn der score größer ist als die gespeicherte variable
    localStorage.setItem('highScore', score);//speichert highscore im browser
  return saved;


Since your code is quite complicated I will provide general instructions only. 由于您的代码非常复杂,因此我仅提供一般说明。 jQuery recently became compliant with promises. jQuery最近符合诺言。 Promises will let you arrange execution in order. 承诺将让您安排执行顺序。 Here's an example. 这是一个例子。

$.when($("span").fadeIn()).done(function() {
   $.when($("span").fadeOut()).done(function() {

A Layman translation of the code is: When the fadeIn is done, then fadeOut, and when fadeOut is done, alert "done!". 该代码的Layman转换是:当fadingIn完成后,然后是fade淡出,而当fadingOut完成时,提示“完成!”。

This way you can ensure the correct order of execution. 这样,您可以确保执行的正确顺序。 Resting in timers is not a good idea for that kind of logic. 对于这种逻辑,在计时器中休息不是一个好主意。

The problem is that javascript alerts are "modal", so they freeze the javascript until you click them. 问题在于javascript alerts是“模态”的,因此它们会冻结javascript直到您单击它们。 They don't play nice. 他们玩的不好。

Here is a simple solution to replace alerts with something more gentle. 这是一个简单的解决方案,可以用更温和的方式替换警报。

 $('.mybutt').click(function(){ var tmp = this.id; var txt = $(this).text(); $('#msgbox').text(txt).show(); setTimeout( function(){$('#msgbox').fadeOut() },1500); }); 
 .mybutt{display:inline-block;margin-left:10px;} .mybutt{border:1px solid dodgerblue;padding:3px 7px;cursor:pointer;} #msgbox{position:absolute;top:10%;left:30%;padding:20px;display:none;} #msgbox{border:1px solid orange;background:wheat;} 
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <div id="btn_1" class="mybutt">One</div> <div id="btn_2" class="mybutt">Two</div> <div id="msgbox"></div> 

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