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使用 Makefile 将 gtk 库与其他库结合编译

[英]Compile gtk library in combination with other libraries using a Makefile

I'm having troubles compiling the gtk library with my c++ program.我在用我的 C++ 程序编译 gtk 库时遇到了麻烦。 I have gtk installed and my program is working when using terminal command like:我已经安装了 gtk 并且我的程序在使用终端命令时正在运行,例如:

gcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o helloworld `gtk-config --cflags` \
    `gtk-config --libs` 

But i need it to compile with some other libraries to, so i have a Makefile, but don't know how to make it also compile the gtk libraries.但是我需要它与其他一些库一起编译,所以我有一个 Makefile,但不知道如何让它也编译 gtk 库。

CFLAGS = -g -Wall -fPIC -Wextra -Werror -lpthread -pthread # for Linux and other gcc systems
CC=g++  #for Linux

# compilation rule for general cases
.o :
    $(CC) $(OP) -o $@ $? -lm
    $(CC) -c $(OP) $<     

SWEOBJ = swedate.o swehouse.o swejpl.o swemmoon.o swemplan.o swepcalc.o sweph.o\
    swepdate.o swephlib.o swecl.o swehel.o

astrogtk: astrogtk.o libswe.a
    $(CC) $(OP) -I/home/arjan/astroproject -o astrogtk astrogtk.o -L. -lswe -lm -ldl 

swemini: swemini.o libswe.a
    $(CC) $(OP) -o swemini swemini.o -L. -lswe -lm

# create an archive and a dynamic link libary fro SwissEph
# a user of this library will inlcude swephexp.h  and link with -lswe

libswe.a: $(SWEOBJ)
    ar r libswe.a   $(SWEOBJ)

libswe.so: $(SWEOBJ)
    $(CC) -shared -o libswe.so $(SWEOBJ)

    rm -f *.o astrogtk libswe*

swecl.o: swejpl.h sweodef.h swephexp.h swedll.h sweph.h swephlib.h
sweclips.o: sweodef.h swephexp.h swedll.h
swedate.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h
swehel.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h
swehouse.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h swephlib.h swehouse.h
swejpl.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h sweph.h swejpl.h
swemini.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h
swemmoon.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h sweph.h swephlib.h
swemplan.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h sweph.h swephlib.h swemptab.h
swepcalc.o: swepcalc.h swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h
sweph.o: swejpl.h sweodef.h swephexp.h swedll.h sweph.h swephlib.h
swephlib.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h sweph.h swephlib.h
astrogtk.o: swephexp.h sweodef.h swedll.h astromath.h

I tried adding the gtk line on different locations inside the Makefile我尝试在 Makefile 内的不同位置添加 gtk 行

gtk-config --cflags gtk-config --libs

But where ever i try to place it, it just says it can't find the gtk header file...但是无论我在哪里尝试放置它,它只是说它找不到 gtk 头文件...

astrogtk.cpp:1:21: fatal error: gtk/gtk.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
<builtin>: recipe for target 'astrogtk.o' failed
make: *** [astrogtk.o] Error 1

So whats the solution for compiling the gtk library, using this makefile?那么使用这个makefile编译gtk库的解决方案是什么?

Just add gtk-config --cflags to your CFLAGS .只需将gtk-config --cflags添加到您的CFLAGS Then add gtk-config --libs to your libraries, right next to those -lswe -lm -ldl然后将gtk-config --libs添加到您的库中,就在那些-lswe -lm -ldl旁边

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