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Android Hex颜色转换为Color

[英]Android Hex color to Color

I am facing an Issue converting Hex color #000 to Color or RGB . 我面临将十六进制颜色#000转换为ColorRGB Android Color.parseColor doesn't support shortened hex code. Android Color.parseColor不支持缩短的十六进制代码。

Please suggest the best solution. 请提出最佳解决方案。

I think best way is 我认为最好的方法是

int red = colorString.charAt(1) == '0' ? 0 : 255;
int blue = colorString.charAt(2) == '0' ? 0 : 255;
int green = colorString.charAt(3) == '0' ? 0 : 255;
Color.rgb(red, green,blue);

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