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如何在scala中将Map [Map [String,Int],Int]转换为Map [String,Int]?

[英]How to convert Map[Map[String,Int],Int] into Map[String,Int] in scala?

Eg. 例如。 Map[Map[String,Int],Int] I need to convert it into Map[String,Int] ie Int in value part of inner map is replaced with Int in value part of outer map. Map[Map[String,Int],Int]我需要将其转换为Map[String,Int]即内部地图的值部分的Int替换为外部地图的值部分的Int。

For example: 例如:

val innerMap = Map("a"->1)
val outerMap = Map(innerMap, 2)

Required result: 所需结果:

resultMap = Map("a"->2)

Even though you haven't answered my question about duplicate String values, I'm going to guess that what you want is something like this. 即使您尚未回答有关重复的String值的问题,我也会猜测您想要的是这样的东西。

val mmsii :Map[Map[String,Int],Int] =

mmsii.flatMap{case (m,v) => m.keys.map(_ -> v)}

Or, using the sometimes friendlier for comprehension: 或者,使用有时更友好的方式for理解:

for {
  (m,v) <- mmsii
  (k,_) <- m
} yield k->v

Keep in mind, if there are duplicate String keys then only one String->Int pair will be retained and the others will be lost. 请记住,如果有重复的String键,则仅保留一对String->Int对,而其他对则丢失。

You can leverage this solution to your problem 您可以利用此解决方案解决问题

    val anotherMap = Map(Map("a" -> 1) -> 10, Map("b" -> 2) -> 11, Map("c" -> 3) -> 12)

    anotherMap.flatMap {
  case (keyMap, value) =>
    keyMap map {
      case (k, _) => Map(k -> value)

// res0: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Int]] = List(Map(a -> 10), Map(b -> 11), Map(c -> 12))

Pretty much the same as @jwvh 's solution, just a little more explicit @jwvh的解决方案几乎相同,只是更加明确

val nestedMap: Map[Map[String, Int], Int] = Map(
  Map("k1" -> 1) -> 11,
  Map("k2" -> 2, "k3" -> 3) -> 22

val unnestedMap: Map[String, Int] = nestedMap.flatMap { (outerTuple: (Map[String, Int], Int)) =>
  val innerMap: Map[String, Int] = outerTuple._1
  val commonVal: Int = outerTuple._2
  innerMap.map { (innerTuple: (String, Int)) =>
    (innerTuple._1 -> commonVal)

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