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AutoMapper 映射集合到嵌套对象集合

[英]AutoMapper mapping collection to nested objects collection

I am trying to map an object with a collection property to another object with a nested class containing mapped versions of the source collections, but I can't seem to figure out the appropriate mapping required.我正在尝试将 map 和具有集合属性的 object 连接到另一个 object,其嵌套 class 包含源 collections 的映射版本,但我似乎无法弄清楚所需的适当映射。

Below are my class and attempted mappings.下面是我的 class 和尝试映射。

public class TypeA
    public int Id;
    public string Description;

public class TypeB
    public int Id;
    public int Code;

public class Source
    public ICollection<TypeA> A;
    public ICollection<TypeB> B;

public class Destination
    public DestinationInner Inner;

public class DestinationInner
    public ICollection<int> A;
    public ICollection<int> B;

I have the following mappings defined, which works fine when the destination collection is at the parent level and not in the DestinationInner class.我定义了以下映射,当目标集合处于父级别而不是 DestinationInner class 时,它工作正常。

Mapper.CreateMap<TypeA, int>()
          .ConvertUsing(a => a.Id);

Mapper.CreateMap<TypeB, int>()
          .ConvertUsing(b => b.Id);

I've tried adding a map such as, but I can't find a way of forcing a mapping here on the collections我试过添加一个 map,例如,但我找不到在 collections 上强制映射的方法

Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
          .ForMember(d => d.Inner,
                     opt.MapFrom(s => new DestinationInner()
                                          // not sure if I can assign anything here
                                          A = 
                                          B = 

Is MapFrom the appropriate method to use here - or am I approaching this from the wrong direction? MapFrom 是适合在这里使用的方法吗 - 或者我是从错误的方向接近这个?

The alternative is to not use AutoMapper for the collections and just use Linq, but I'm thinking there has to be a way to fully use AutoMapper:另一种方法是不对 collections 使用 AutoMapper,而只使用 Linq,但我认为必须有一种方法可以充分使用 AutoMapper:

Mapper.CreateMap<Source, Destination>()
          .ForMember(d => d.Inner,
                     opt.MapFrom(s => new DestinationInner()
                                          A = s.A.Select(a => a.Id).ToList(),
                                          B = s.B.Select(b => b.Id).ToList(),

Lucian provided the answer in the comments:卢锡安在评论中给出了答案:

ForPath(d => d.Inner.A, o => o.MapFrom(s => s.A))

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