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如何在 Python 中使用 HEIC 图像文件类型

[英]How to work with HEIC image file types in Python

The High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) format is the default when airdropping an image from an iPhone to a OSX device.将图像从 iPhone 空投到 OSX 设备时, 高效图像文件(HEIF) 格式是默认格式。 I want to edit and modify these.HEIC files with Python.我想用Python编辑和修改这些.HEIC文件。

I could modify phone settings to save as JPG by default but that doesn't really solve the problem of being able to work with the filetype from others.我可以修改手机设置以默认保存为 JPG,但这并不能真正解决能够使用其他文件类型的问题。 I still want to be able to process HEIC files for doing file conversion, extracting metadata, etc. ( Example Use Case -- Geocoding )我仍然希望能够处理 HEIC 文件以进行文件转换、提取元数据等。( 示例用例——地理编码


Here is the result of working with Python 3.7 and Pillow when trying to read a file of this type.这是在尝试读取此类文件时使用 Python 3.7 和 Pillow 的结果。

$ ipython
Python 3.7.0 (default, Oct  2 2018, 09:20:07)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from PIL import Image

In [2]: img = Image.open('IMG_2292.HEIC')
OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-fe47106ce80b> in <module>
----> 1 img = Image.open('IMG_2292.HEIC')

~/.env/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/PIL/Image.py in open(fp, mode)
   2685         warnings.warn(message)
   2686     raise IOError("cannot identify image file %r"
-> 2687                   % (filename if filename else fp))
   2689 #

OSError: cannot identify image file 'IMG_2292.HEIC'

It looks like support in python-pillow was requested ( #2806 ) but there are licensing / patent issues preventing it there.看起来需要对 python-pillow 的支持( #2806 ),但存在许可/专利问题阻止它。

ImageMagick + Wand ImageMagick + 魔杖

It appears that ImageMagick may be an option.看来ImageMagick可能是一个选项。 After doing a brew install imagemagick and pip install wand however I was unsuccessful.在执行brew install imagemagickpip install wand之后,我没有成功。

$ ipython
Python 3.7.0 (default, Oct  2 2018, 09:20:07)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.2.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from wand.image import Image

In [2]: with Image(filename='img.jpg') as img:
   ...:     print(img.size)
(4032, 3024)

In [3]: with Image(filename='img.HEIC') as img:
   ...:     print(img.size)
MissingDelegateError                      Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-9d6f58c40f95> in <module>
----> 1 with Image(filename='ces2.HEIC') as img:
      2     print(img.size)

~/.env/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wand/image.py in __init__(self, image, blob, file, filename, format, width, height, depth, background, resolution, pseudo)
   4603                     self.read(blob=blob, resolution=resolution)
   4604                 elif filename is not None:
-> 4605                     self.read(filename=filename, resolution=resolution)
   4606                 # clear the wand format, otherwise any subsequent call to
   4607                 # MagickGetImageBlob will silently change the image to this

~/.env/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wand/image.py in read(self, file, filename, blob, resolution)
   4894             r = library.MagickReadImage(self.wand, filename)
   4895         if not r:
-> 4896             self.raise_exception()
   4898     def save(self, file=None, filename=None):

~/.env/py3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/wand/resource.py in raise_exception(self, stacklevel)
    220             warnings.warn(e, stacklevel=stacklevel + 1)
    221         elif isinstance(e, Exception):
--> 222             raise e
    224     def __enter__(self):

MissingDelegateError: no decode delegate for this image format `HEIC' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/556

Any other alternatives available to do a conversion programmatically?还有其他可用于以编程方式进行转换的替代方法吗?

You guys should check out this library, it's a Python 3 wrapper to the libheif library, it should serve your purpose of file conversion, extracting metadata:你们应该看看这个库,它是libheif库的 Python 3 包装器,它应该用于文件转换,提取元数据:

https://github.com/david-poirier-csn/pyheif https://github.com/david-poirier-csn/pyheif

https://pypi.org/project/pyheif/ https://pypi.org/project/pyheif/

Example usage:用法示例:

 import io

 import whatimage
 import pyheif
 from PIL import Image

 def decodeImage(bytesIo):

    fmt = whatimage.identify_image(bytesIo)
    if fmt in ['heic', 'avif']:
         i = pyheif.read_heif(bytesIo)

         # Extract metadata etc
         for metadata in i.metadata or []:
             if metadata['type']=='Exif':
                 # do whatever
         # Convert to other file format like jpeg
         s = io.BytesIO()
         pi = Image.frombytes(
                mode=i.mode, size=i.size, data=i.data)

         pi.save(s, format="jpeg")


Adding to the answer by danial, i just had to modify the byte array slighly to get a valid datastream for further work.添加到 danial 的答案中,我只需要稍微修改字节数组即可获得有效的数据流以供进一步工作。 The first 6 bytes are 'Exif\\x00\\x00' .. dropping these will give you a raw format that you can pipe into any image processing tool.前 6 个字节是 'Exif\\x00\\x00' .. 删除这些将为您提供原始格式,您可以将其导入任何图像处理工具。

import pyheif
import PIL
import exifread

def read_heic(path: str):
    with open(path, 'rb') as file:
        image = pyheif.read_heif(file)
        for metadata in image.metadata or []:
            if metadata['type'] == 'Exif':
                fstream = io.BytesIO(metadata['data'][6:])

    # now just convert to jpeg
    pi = PIL.Image.open(fstream)
    pi.save("file.jpg", "JPEG")

    # or do EXIF processing with exifread
    tags = exifread.process_file(fstream)

At least this worked for me.至少这对我有用。

I was quite successful with Wand package : Install Wand: https://docs.wand-py.org/en/0.6.4/ Code for conversion:我使用 Wand 包非常成功:安装 Wand: https ://docs.wand-py.org/en/0.6.4/ 转换代码:

   from wand.image import Image
   import os


   for file in os.listdir(SourceFolder):
      SourceFile=SourceFolder + "/" + file
      TargetFile=TargetFolder + "/" + file.replace(".HEIC",".JPG")

You can use the pillow_heif library to read HEIF images in a way compatible with PIL.您可以使用pillow_heif库以与PIL 兼容的方式读取HEIF 图像。

The example below will import a HEIF picture and save it in png format.下面的示例将导入一张 HEIF 图片并将其保存为png格式。

from PIL import Image
import pillow_heif

heif_file = pillow_heif.read_heif("HEIC_file.HEIC")
image = Image.frombytes(

image.save("./picture_name.png", format="png")

This will do go get the exif data from the heic file这将确实从 heic 文件中获取 exif 数据

import pyheif
import exifread
import io

heif_file = pyheif.read_heif("file.heic")

for metadata in heif_file.metadata:

    if metadata['type'] == 'Exif':
        fstream = io.BytesIO(metadata['data'][6:])

    exifdata = exifread.process_file(fstream,details=False)

    # example to get device model from heic file
    model = str(exifdata.get("Image Model"))

I am facing the exact same problem as you, wanting a CLI solution.我面临着与您完全相同的问题,需要 CLI 解决方案。 Doing some further research, it seems ImageMagick requires the libheif delegate library.做一些进一步的研究,似乎 ImageMagick需要libheif委托库。 The libheif library itself seems to have some dependencies as well. libheif 库本身似乎也有一些依赖项。

I have not had success in getting any of those to work as well, but will continue trying.我也没有成功地让其中任何一个工作,但会继续尝试。 I suggest you check if those dependencies are available to your configuration.我建议您检查这些依赖项是否可用于您的配置。

Simple solution after going over multiple responses from people.经过人们的多次回复后的简单解决方案。
Please install whatimage , pyheif and PIL libraries before running this code.请在运行此代码之前安装whatimagepyheifPIL库。

[NOTE] : I used this command for install. [注意] :我使用此命令进行安装。

python3 -m pip install Pillow

Also using linux was lot easier to install all these libraries.此外,使用 linux 安装所有这些库要容易得多。 I recommend WSL for windows.我推荐 Windows 的WSL

  • code代码
import whatimage
import pyheif
from PIL import Image
import os

def decodeImage(bytesIo, index):
    with open(bytesIo, 'rb') as f:
    data = f.read()
    fmt = whatimage.identify_image(data)
    if fmt in ['heic', 'avif']:
    i = pyheif.read_heif(data)
    pi = Image.frombytes(mode=i.mode, size=i.size, data=i.data)
    pi.save("new" + str(index) + ".jpg", format="jpeg")

# For my use I had my python file inside the same folder as the heic files
source = "./"

for index,file in enumerate(os.listdir(source)):
    decodeImage(file, index)

看起来有一个名为heic-to-jpg的解决方案,但我可能不太确定这将如何在 colab 中工作。

the first answer works, but since its just calling save with a BytesIO object as the argument, it doesnt actually save the new jpeg file, but if you create a new File object with open and pass that, it saves to that file ie:第一个答案有效,但由于它只是使用 BytesIO 对象作为参数调用 save ,它实际上并没有保存新的 jpeg 文件,但是如果您创建一个带有open的新 File 对象并传递它,它会保存到该文件,即:

import whatimage
import pyheif
from PIL import Image

def decodeImage(bytesIo):

    fmt = whatimage.identify_image(bytesIo)
    if fmt in ['heic', 'avif']:
         i = pyheif.read_heif(bytesIo)
         # Convert to other file format like jpeg
         s = open('my-new-image.jpg', mode='w')
         pi = Image.frombytes(
                mode=i.mode, size=i.size, data=i.data)

         pi.save(s, format="jpeg")

Consider using PIL in conjunction with pillow-heif :考虑将 PIL 与Pillow-heif结合使用:

pip3 installl pillow-heif
from PIL import Image
from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener


image = Image.open('image.heic')

Here is another solution to convert heic to jpg while keeping the metadata intact.这是将heic转换为jpg同时保持元数据完整的另一种解决方案。 It is based on mara004 s solution above, however I was not able to extract the images timestamp in that way, so had to add some code.它基于上面的mara004解决方案,但是我无法以这种方式提取图像时间戳,因此必须添加一些代码。 Put the heic files in dir_of_interest before applying the function:在应用函数之前将heic文件放在dir_of_interest

import os
from PIL import Image, ExifTags
from pillow_heif import register_heif_opener
from datetime import datetime
import piexif
import re

def convert_heic_to_jpeg(dir_of_interest):
        filenames = os.listdir(dir_of_interest)
        filenames_matched = [re.search("\.HEIC$|\.heic$", filename) for filename in filenames]

        # Extract files of interest
        HEIC_files = []
        for index, filename in enumerate(filenames_matched):
                if filename:

        # Convert files to jpg while keeping the timestamp
        for filename in HEIC_files:
                image = Image.open(dir_of_interest + "/" + filename)
                image_exif = image.getexif()
                if image_exif:
                        # Make a map with tag names and grab the datetime
                        exif = { ExifTags.TAGS[k]: v for k, v in image_exif.items() if k in ExifTags.TAGS and type(v) is not bytes }
                        date = datetime.strptime(exif['DateTime'], '%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S')

                        # Load exif data via piexif
                        exif_dict = piexif.load(image.info["exif"])

                        # Update exif data with orientation and datetime
                        exif_dict["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.DateTime] = date.strftime("%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
                        exif_dict["0th"][piexif.ImageIFD.Orientation] = 1
                        exif_bytes = piexif.dump(exif_dict)

                        # Save image as jpeg
                        image.save(dir_of_interest + "/" + os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + ".jpg", "jpeg", exif= exif_bytes)
                        print(f"Unable to get exif data for {filename}")

Just to note: Today was first release of pillow-heif that support 64 bit windows.请注意:今天是第一个支持 64 位 windows 的pillow-heif版本。

Now it support almost all platforms, except windows arm and 32 bit systems.现在它支持几乎所有平台,除了 windows arm 和 32 位系统。

In this topic two people showed it's basic usage.在这个主题中,两个人展示了它的基本用法。

Example for working with HDR(10/12) bit HEIF files using OpenCV and pillow-heif:使用 OpenCV 和pillow-heif 处理 HDR(10/12) 位 HEIF 文件的示例:

import numpy as np
import cv2
import pillow_heif

heif_file = pillow_heif.open_heif("images/rgb12.heif", convert_hdr_to_8bit=False)
heif_file.convert_to("BGRA;16" if heif_file.has_alpha else "BGR;16")
np_array = np.asarray(heif_file)
cv2.imwrite("rgb16.png", np_array)

Input file for this example can be 10 or 12 bit file.此示例的输入文件可以是 10 位或 12 位文件。

I use the pillow_heif library.我使用 pillow_heif 库。 For example, I use this script when I have a folder of heif files I want to convert to png.例如,当我有一个要转换为 png 的 heif 文件文件夹时,我会使用此脚本。

from PIL import Image
import pillow_heif
import os 
from tqdm import tqdm 
import argparse

def get_images(heic_folder):

    # Get all the heic images in the folder
    imgs = [os.path.join(heic_folder, f) for f in os.listdir(heic_folder) if f.endswith('.HEIC')]

    # Name of the folder where the png files will be stored
    png_folder = heic_folder + "_png"

    # If it doesn't exist, create the folder
    if not os.path.exists(png_folder):
    for img in tqdm(imgs):
        heif_file = pillow_heif.read_heif(img)
        image = Image.frombytes(


        image.save(os.path.join(png_folder,os.path.basename(img).split('.')[0])+'.png', format("png"))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert heic images to png')
    parser.add_argument('heic_folder', type=str, help='Folder with heic images')
    args = parser.parse_args()


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