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[英]Reading a specific part of a text line using VBA

I am trying to get the 827th line from a text file to write in a cell. 我试图从文本文件中获取第827行以写入单元格。 There are a lot of files like this so that is why I am trying to use a macro. 有很多这样的文件,所以这就是为什么我尝试使用宏的原因。 The text file looks like this 文本文件如下所示

"Drag Convergence"
"Iterations" "cd"
1     7.74776e-01
2     6.51021e-01
3     5.58885e-01
824     3.57617e-01
825     3.57617e-01

I just want to write the number "3.57617e-01" to a cell. 我只想在单元格中写入数字“ 3.57617e-01”。 I can do the cell arrangement myself but I did not have a good way to read that value and then write it to a cell lets say (1,1) 我可以自己进行单元格排列,但是我没有很好的方法来读取该值,然后将其写入单元格,说(1,1)

My file location is 我的文件位置是

strFile = "D:\Analiz\Database\NACA63220_" & Mach(k) & Alpha(j) & Letter(i) & ".txt"

What I did was using 我所做的是使用

strPath = "D:\Analiz\Database\"
strExt = ".txt"
strSection = "Lift Convergence"
strValue = "825     "

With shtResult
     .Cells(1,1).Value = strValue
End With

strFile = "D:\Analiz\Database\NACA63220_" & Mach(k) & Alpha(j) & Letter(i) & ".txt"

Set data=shtSource.QueryTables.Add(Connection:TEXT;" & strPath & strFile, Destination:=shtSource.Cells(1, 1))

With data
.TextFileStartRow = 1
.TextFileParseType = xkDelimited
.TextFileVonsecutiveDelimeter = False
.TextFileTabDelimiter = False
.Text FileSemicolonDelimiter = False
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = False
.TextFileSpaceDelimiter = False
.TextFileColumnDataTypes = Array(1)
.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True

.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With

Set fndSection = data.ResultRange.Find(strSection)
Set fndValue = data.ResultRange.Find(strValue, fndSection)
shtResult.Cells(shtResult.Rows.Count, 1).End(xkUp).Offset(1).Value = Replace(findValue, strValue, "")

This gives a run time error 1004, and when I press debug, it highlights the line with .Refresh BackgroundQuery 这给出了运行时错误1004,当我按debug时,它以.Refresh BackgroundQuery突出显示了该行。

I did not put everything here like dimensioning etc because I have to use my phone to access this site so I am writing all of the codes with my phone again. 我没有将尺寸标注等内容放到这里,因为我必须使用手机访问此站点,因此我将再次用手机编写所有代码。

Edit: I added more lines, the problem highlights the Refresh Background Query line when I press debug. 编辑:我添加了更多的行,当我按调试时,问题突出显示了刷新背景查询行。 I was actually trying to implement this by tweaking to my problem: 我实际上是通过调整我的问题来尝试实现这一点:

Importing data from multiple text files into Excel VBA 将多个文本文件中的数据导入Excel VBA

use this function to read specific line from textfile 使用此功能从文本文件读取特定行

    ' read specific line no.
    ' RESULT : searched text (string)
    Function ReadLine(FilePath, LineNumber) As String
    Dim i As Integer, count As Long
    Dim strLine As String
    i = FreeFile
    Open FilePath For Input As #i
    count = 0

    While Not EOF(i)
        Line Input #i, strLine
        count = count + 1
        If count = LineNumber Then
            ReadLine = strLine
            Close #i
            Exit Function
        End If

Close i
End Function

have you got any others problem with implementation? 您在执行方面还有其他问题吗? please clarify 请澄清

the second code is for string splitting 第二个代码用于字符串拆分

     Function BreakString(a As String, pos As Integer) As String
     Dim WrdArray() As String
     WrdArray() = Split(a, "     ")
     BreakString = WrdArray(pos)
     End Function

Dim Text, Part1, Part2 As String
Text = "827     3.57617e-01"
Part1 = BreakString(CStr(Text), 0)
Part2 = BreakString(CStr(Text), 1)

I'd advise you not to use standard VBA file handling for this matter: VBA file handling starts reading a file from the first line, and continues, line by line, until it reaches the line you're looking for. 我建议您不要在此问题上使用标准的VBA文件处理:VBA文件处理从第一行开始读取文件,然后逐行继续,直到到达您要查找的行。 As you need to read 827 lines, you are waiting 827 time too long for your response. 由于您需要阅读827行,因此您等待827时间太长,无法做出响应。

Instead of this, I'd try to find a commandline, which can handle this, something like: 取而代之的是,我将尝试找到一个可以处理此问题的命令行,例如:

tail -1 <filename> >output.txt (or head -827 <filename> | tail -1 >output.txt)

Translate this into Excel VBA, something like: 将此转换为Excel VBA,类似于:

Shell "tail -f <filename> >output.txt" //pseudo-code

And then, use VBA standard text handling for reading output.txt. 然后,使用VBA标准文本处理读取output.txt。

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