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[英]Best, duplex enabled way to merge PDFs

I'm merging multiple multi-page source PDFs into one new result PDF for customers to print. 我将多个多页源PDF合并为一个新的结果PDF,供客户打印。

Now some source PDFs contain an even number of pages, some contain an uneven number (unpredictable). 现在,某些源PDF包含偶数页面,一些PDF数量不均匀(无法预测)。

Some customers print simplex, some print duplex. 一些客户打印单面,有些打印双面。 This is difficult because the simplex customers don't want to have empty pages between the documents and the duplex customers don't want to have and end-page and a start-page on the same sheet. 这很困难,因为单面客户不希望文档之间有空白页,而双面客户不希望在同一张纸上有末页和起始页。

What's the best way to offer a good experience for both types of customers? 为两种类型的客户提供良好体验的最佳方法是什么?

Is there a PDF feature for marking document borders? 是否有用于标记文档边界的PDF功能? I couldn't find anything... 我什么也找不到...

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To further clarify my problem: People upload pdf documents to my tool, merge them into one and download them again. 为了进一步阐明我的问题:人们将pdf文档上载到我的工具中,将它们合并为一个,然后再次下载。 From a software point of view i am completely unaware of their printing configuration/habits/setup/devices. 从软件的角度来看,我完全不知道他们的打印配置/习惯/设置/设备。 Thus i seem to need a PDF feature for storing the "document borders" or "printing instructions" (document 1 goes from page 1-3, document 2 goes from 4-11, ...) - but this feature does not seem to exist - or something else that has the same effect and can be stored in the file because that file is all the software produces. 因此,我似乎需要一个用于存储“文档边框”或“打印说明”的PDF功能(文档1来自第1-3页,文档2来自4-11,...)-但此功能似乎并不存在-或其他具有相同效果并可以存储在文件中的东西,因为该文件是软件产生的全部文件。

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An obvious solution to this problem would be asking the user if we wants to have blank pages inserted after every single merged document with an uneven page number (except the last one), but this would ruin the digital reading experience of the PDF document. 解决此问题的一个明显方法是询问用户是否要在每个合并的文档中插入页码不均的页面(最后一个除外),然后插入空白页,但这会破坏PDF文档的数字阅读体验。

There is no feature in the PDF specification for "sub-documents". PDF规范中没有“子文档”功能。 A PDF document is an array of pages. PDF文档是页面的数组。 If you are joining them together, then you are making one document of all the pages from the source documents. 如果将它们连接在一起,那么您将在源文档的所有页面中制作一个文档。

It might be possible to use Adobe's Job Definition File format (JDF) to contain data describing the sub-document boundaries (as it's extensible XML). 可能可以使用Adobe的Job Definition File格式(JDF)包含描述子文档边界的数据(因为它是可扩展的XML)。 A JDF file can be stored within a PDF. JDF文件可以存储在PDF中。 However, your users would need software at their end that can parse the JDF file and act accordingly. 但是,您的用户将需要在其末端使用可解析JDF文件并采取相应措施的软件。

Alternatively, you could create two separate tools: one that adds blank pages to each source document with an odd number of pages, and one that doesn't. 或者,您可以创建两个单独的工具:一个将空白页面添加到每个源文档中,页面的数量为奇数,另一个不添加。 However, this would rely on your users exercising their judgment to select the correct one. 但是,这将取决于您的用户行使其判断力来选择正确的判断力。

Another course of action might be to advise those users with duplex printers that there's little merit in combining the PDFs, and that they should just send multiple PDF documents to their printer. 另一措施可能是建议那些使用双面打印机的用户合并PDF几乎没有好处,他们应该只将多个PDF文档发送到他们的打印机。

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