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xampp-本地主机/网站/不会打开,但本地主机/ phpmyadmin /可以正常工作-没有端口问题

[英]xampp - localhost/websites/ will not open but localhost/phpmyadmin/ works fine - no port issue

I have tried and tried to find an answer everywhere and tried most, if not all, possible remedies. 我尝试并试图在所有地方找到答案,并尝试了大多数(即使不是全部)可能的补救措施。 Apache is the application using port 80, mySQL is using 3306. The xampp control panel and cmd/netstat -abno verify that. Apache是​​使用端口80的应用程序,而mySQL使用3306。xampp控制面板和cmd / netstat -abno验证这一点。 Changing the ports makes no difference. 更改端口没有区别。 I have tried 3 browsers. 我尝试了3种浏览器。 The browsers suggest checking the connection and proxy and those are not an issue. 浏览器建议检查连接和代理,这些都不是问题。 It does not need an internet connection to work and there is no proxy server between my browser and C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\ This server was working not so long ago. 它不需要Internet连接即可工作,并且我的浏览器和C:\\ xampp \\ htdocs \\之间没有代理服务器。 I am stumped with this one. 我为此感到难过。 I noticed a difference with the xampp control panels between this and another computer... This one says Apache is using 80, 883 and the other says 80, 443. 我注意到这台计算机与另一台计算机之间的xampp控制面板有所不同……这台计算机说Apache使用的是80、883,另一台计算机说的是80、443。

I added that last sentence about the "883" later when I tried a copy of the site on another computer. 当我在另一台计算机上尝试复制该站点时,我在“ 883”后面加上了最后一句话。 It looks like I had changed that number in the http-ssl.conf file some time in the past and I had left a note in there about it. 好像我过去有一段时间在http-ssl.conf文件中更改了该数字,并且在其中留下了一个注释。 So... I did it to myself. 所以...我自己做了。 I changed it back to 443 and that did it. 我将其更改回443,然后做到了。

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