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[英]Select the cell in a column that is not a text

I have a column with 20 rows. 我有一列有20行。 The header of the column is "MONTH." 该列的标题为“ MONTH”。 In the first 10 rows, the cells contain the text "Jan." 在前10行中,单元格包含文本“ Jan”。 In the next 10 rows, the cells contain the date, "18-12-2019". 在接下来的10行中,单元格包含日期“ 18-12-2019”。 I want to write a macro that will loop through the column, starting from A2 and will stop at the cell that contains a date. 我想编写一个宏,该宏将从A2开始遍历该列,并将在包含日期的单元格处停止。

I have written the following code. 我写了下面的代码。 But it is not working. 但这是行不通的。 Excel is saying, "The function is not defined." Excel在说,“功能未定义。” Pls. PLS。 help me write the right code for this. 帮我为此写正确的代码。

Sub Find_Date()
    Dim cell As Range
    Dim Rng As Range

    Set Rng = Range(("A2"), Range("A2").End(xlDown))

    For Each cell In Rng
        If IsText(cell) = True Then: cell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End Sub

To your descripted situation: 根据您所描述的情况:

In the first 10 rows, the cells contain the text "Jan." 在前10行中,单元格包含文本“ Jan”。 In the next 10 rows, the cells contain the date 在接下来的10行中,单元格包含日期

the following code would be a resolution: 以下代码将是一个解决方案:

Sub Find_Date()

    Dim row As Integer

    For row = 2 To 10
        'Do whatever you want with activesheet.cells(row,1)

End Sub

what excactly do you want to do with those cells? 您到底想对这些细胞做什么?

Here is another solution that is more dynamic and fluid... 这是另一个更具动态性和灵活性的解决方案...

However, with this method you can not skip a cell row. 但是,使用这种方法不能跳过单元​​格行。

Sub Find_Date()
Dim row As Integer

For row = 2 To ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).End(xlDown).Row
    'Use ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 1) to control the current cell (1 = First Column)
    If IsDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 1).Value) = TrueThen
        ' Add Code Here to be executed if there is Date 
        ' Add Code Here to be executed if there is TEXT
    End If

End Sub

Again, the above code will not actually do anything until modify the above. 同样,在修改上面的代码之前,上面的代码实际上不会做任何事情。

Below is a batch of code that will simply SELECT all of the cells in column 'A' that are dates. 以下是一批代码,它们将简单地选择“ A”列中所有日期的单元格。

Sub Find_Date()
Dim row As Integer
Dim y() As Variant
Dim z As Integer
z = 1

For row = 2 To ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).row
    If IsDate(ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 1).Value) = True Then
        ReDim Preserve y(1 To z) As Variant
        y(z) = ActiveSheet.Cells(row, 1).Address
        z = z + 1
    End If
For Each x In y
    ranges = ranges + x + ", "
Next x

Range(Left(ranges, Len(ranges) - 2)).Select

End Sub

Try this: 尝试这个:

Option Explicit

Sub test_only()         'Only for test
    Dim Rng As Range
    Dim dateCell As Range

    Set Rng = Range(("A2"), Range("A2").End(xlDown))    'Set range as desired
    Set dateCell = Find_Date(Rng)
    Debug.Print dateCell.Address                'dateCell now holds the first non-text cell (range)
End Sub

Function Find_Date(Rng As Range) As Range
    Dim cell As Range
    Set Find_Date = Nothing
    For Each cell In Rng
        If WorksheetFunction.IsText(cell) = False Then
            Set Find_Date = cell
            Exit Function
        End If
End Function

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