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Firebase 身份验证 - REST API NodeJS

[英]Firebase Authentication - REST API NodeJS

What's the difference between using admin.auth().verifyIdToken() and admin.auth().createSessionCookie() + admin.auth().verifySessionCookie() for authentication purposes and which one should I use in my Express REST API?使用admin.auth().verifyIdToken()admin.auth().createSessionCookie() + admin.auth().verifySessionCookie()进行身份验证有什么admin.auth().createSessionCookie() + admin.auth().verifySessionCookie() ,我应该在 Express REST API 中使用哪一个?

Also, doesn't the verifyIdToken already create a session itself that can be refreshed everytime it is called?另外,verifyIdToken 不是已经创建了一个会话本身,每次调用时都可以刷新吗? And does verifying the session cookie do the same?验证会话 cookie 是否也一样?

You create the session to get a token on the client device and use the verify token on the server/cloud.您创建会话以在客户端设备上获取令牌并在服务器/云上使用验证令牌。

I get the token from the current user then send it to firebase cloud functions endpoint to verify it.我从当前用户那里获取令牌,然后将其发送到 firebase 云函数端点以对其进行验证。


import * as admin from 'firebase-admin'

const DEPLOYED = false;


const ValidateToken = (request: any, response: any) => {

    const params = {
        a: request.body.token, // Client Validation

    const ValidateToken = admin.auth().verifyIdToken(params.a).catch((error) => { throw { Message:error }});

    return Promise.all([ValidateToken]).then((res: any) => {
        return DEPLOYED ? res : response.status(200).json(res);
    }).catch(error => {
        return DEPLOYED ? error : response.status(400).json(error);

export default ValidateToken;

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