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如何在Ruby on Rails上使用will_paginate gem实现Ajax

[英]How to implement Ajax with will_paginate gem on Ruby on Rails

I want to implement Ajax on my ruby on rails project. 我想在我的ruby on rails项目中实现Ajax。 I currently use the will_paginate gem. 我目前使用will_paginate gem。 Whenever I click for the next page, the whole page reloads, which I don't want to happen. 每当我单击进入下一页时,整个页面都会重新加载,我不想发生这种情况。 How can I prevent this? 我该如何预防? I found a similar question but it didn't work for me. 我发现了类似的问题,但对我没有用。 I guess it's because I am using Rails 5.2.2? 我猜是因为我正在使用Rails 5.2.2? I am not sure. 我不确定。

My index.html.erb looks like this: 我的index.html.erb看起来像这样:

 <div class="row justify-content-center align-items-center">
       <div class="page_info">
        <h5><%= page_entries_info @imports %></h5>
 <div class="row justify-content-center align-items-center">
       <div class="page_info">
        <h5><%= will_paginate @imports, :container => false %></h5>

Here is my code in my controller.rb: 这是我controller.rb中的代码:

class ImportsController < ApplicationController
  def index
     @imports = Import.all
     @imports = Import.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 5)   

To paginate with AJAX instead of a page refresh, you'll need to add a data-remote="true" to all of the paginate links. 要使用AJAX进行分页而不是刷新页面,您需要向所有分页链接添加data-remote="true"

data-remote="true" is a rails helper that will cause the server to interpret the request as JS instead of HTML. data-remote="true"是Rails助手,它将使服务器将请求解释为JS而不是HTML。

First step, create a new helper: 第一步,创建一个新的助手:

module RemoteLinkPaginationHelper
  class LinkRenderer < WillPaginate::ActionView::LinkRenderer
    def link(text, target, attributes = {})
      attributes['data-remote'] = true

Second, add a paginate method to the application_helper. 其次,将paginate方法添加到application_helper。

module ApplicationHelper
  def paginate(collection, params= {})
    will_paginate collection, params.merge(:renderer => RemoteLinkPaginationHelper::LinkRenderer)

Then, you can replace this: 然后,您可以替换为:

<div class="row justify-content-center align-items-center">
  <div class="page_info">
    <h5><%= will_paginate @imports, :container => false %></h5>

with this: 有了这个:

<div class="row justify-content-center align-items-center">
  <div class="page_info">
    <h5><%= paginate @imports, :container => false %></h5>

I got these steps from this GitHub Snippet: https://gist.github.com/jeroenr/3142686 我从以下GitHub代码段中获取了以下步骤: https : //gist.github.com/jeroenr/3142686

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