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[英]Is there a way to replace individual array elements with one repeated element?

I'm trying to replace the elements of an array with 1 element repeated for each index. 我正在尝试用对每个索引重复1个元素来替换数组的元素。

Eg ['12','a','drink','cookie'] becomes ['0','0','0','0'] 例如['12','a','drink','cookie']变为['0','0','0','0']

I'm learning basic JavaScript and trying to figure out how to do this. 我正在学习基本的JavaScript并试图弄清楚如何做到这一点。 I've tried forEach() and splice() but I keep ending up with just one index (eg ['0'] ). 我已经尝试过forEach()splice()但是我一直以一个索引(例如['0'] )结束。 I feel like I can solve this with a for loop but what to put in? 我觉得我可以用for循环解决这个问题,但是要输入什么呢? The code below is my latest effort but it didn't run. 下面的代码是我最近的工作,但是没有运行。

function replace()
    var Word = 'test';
    var newWordArray = Array.from(Word);

    for (var i = 0; i < newWordArray.length; i++); {
        i = '0';

I expect ['0','0','0','0'] as output, but I get undefined when trying to run the function. 我希望将['0','0','0','0']作为输出,但是在尝试运行该函数时却未定义。

You have a couple of issues with your code: 您的代码有几个问题:

  1. i = '0' isn't doing what you think it is doing. i = '0'并没有按照您认为的去做。 Here i is just a number, representing an index in your array. 在这里, i只是一个数字,代表数组中的索引。 Changing i will do nothing as you're not doing anything with the value of i itself. 改变i不会做任何事情,因为您不会以i本身的价值做任何事情。 Instead your need to change the element at index i . 相反,您需要更改索引i处的元素。 You can do this by doing newWordArray[i] = 0 . 您可以通过执行newWordArray[i] = 0 This way you are saying change the element at index i in your array newWordArray . 这样,您说的是更改数组newWordArray中索引i处的元素。

  2. You are not returning anything from your function. 您没有从函数中返回任何东西。 In order for your function to get assigned a value once called, you need to return said value. 为了使您的函数在被调用后被分配一个值,您需要return所述值。 Thus, as you want your function call to output (return) a new array, you need to return newWordArray at the end of your function. 因此,当您希望函数调用输出(返回)新数组时,需要在函数末尾return newWordArray

  3. Although it isn't necessary, I suggest that you add a parameter to your function called word . 尽管没有必要,但我建议您在函数中添加一个名为word的参数。 This way the function can accept a string (or array) and give you the required output. 这样,函数可以接受字符串(或数组)并提供所需的输出。

See working example below: 请参见下面的工作示例:

 function replace(word) { // accept a word as an input to use in your function var newWordArray = Array.from(word); // create an array of characters from your inputted word for (var i = 0; i < newWordArray.length; i++) { // remove ';' colon here newWordArray[i] = 0; // Set every element (by accessing it using its index 'i') to 0 } return newWordArray; // output (return) the new array } console.log(replace("test")); // input "test" as the word variable console.log(replace(['12','a','drink','cookie'])); 

Also note Array.from([1, 2, 3]) will give an array in return, so [1, 2, 3] . 还要注意Array.from([1, 2, 3])将返回一个数组,因此[1, 2, 3] Thus the above works on both strings and arrays. 因此,以上内容适用于字符串和数组。

Alternatively, a different approach to achieving the same thing as above would be to use Array.prototype.fill() . 另外,实现上述相同目的的另一种方法是使用Array.prototype.fill() Here I have used ES6 arrow functions with destructing assignment : 在这里,我使用了具有破坏性分配 功能的ES6箭头功能

 const replace = ({length}) => Array(length).fill(0); console.log(replace("testing")); console.log(replace(['12','a','drink','cookie'])); 

Nick Parsons , already explained so good how to change your code to approach your goal, however, and since you are already using Array::from() , you can use the mapFn argument and reduce your code to be more simple, like this: 尼克·帕森斯Nick Parsons )已经很好地解释了如何更改代码以实现目标,但是,由于您已经在使用Array :: from() ,因此可以使用mapFn参数并将代码简化为如下所示:

 const replace = (word, replaceVal) => Array.from(word, x => replaceVal); console.log(replace("word", 0)); console.log(replace("Hello World", 5)); 

You just have to assign it to each element in the array: 您只需将其分配给数组中的每个元素:

for (var i = 0; i < newWordArray.length; i++); {
    newWordArray[i] = '0';

You were assigning the value to the iterator. 您正在将值分配给迭代器。

Here array map shortens your code 在这里数组映射可以缩短您的代码

 var Word = 'test'; //var newWordArray = Array.from(Word); let j=Array.from(Word).map(a=>a='0'); console.log(j) 

I prefer splice and forEach to achieve this 我更喜欢splice和forEach实现这一目标

var contents = ['a','b','c','d'];
document.getElementById('LW').value = contents 

contents.forEach(function(element, index) {
    contents.splice(index, 1, "0");

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