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[英]Storing and retrieving a list of integers in sqlite using django

I'm prototyping a JSON API in Django (final implementation will be something embedded such as Civet) in order to have something to test a higher level application against. 我要在Django中建立JSON API的原型(最终实现将是诸如Civet之类的嵌入式产品),以便针对更高的应用程序进行测试。 I need to persist data of the form: 我需要保留以下形式的数据:

    someListOfIds: [1, 2, 7, 9]

The integers mean something to the hardware - they don't correspond to anything else in the db. 整数对硬件意味着某种意义-它们与db中的其他任何内容都不对应。

I'm using Django 2.1.5 and Python 3.5.2. 我正在使用Django 2.1.5和Python 3.5.2。 In my model, someListOfIds is currently defined as a CharField so the value is stored as the string "[1, 2, 7, 9]" . 在我的模型中, someListOfIds当前定义为CharField,因此该值存储为字符串"[1, 2, 7, 9]" someListOfIds "[1, 2, 7, 9]" When I retrieve rows from the db in a view, I pass that field through the .decode method of a json.decoder.JSONDecoder() , which seems to turn it back into a list of ints. 当我从视图中的db中检索行时,我将该字段通过json.decoder.JSONDecoder().decode方法传递,这似乎将其转换为整数列表。 However, attempts to deliver it in that form in a JsonResponse result in it being returned in the string-ified form: 但是,尝试以JsonResponse形式交付它会导致它以字符串形式返回:

    someListOfIds: "[1, 2, 7, 9]"

NOTE: Following advice from here , I currently have the following view code to return just the content of the fields property, discarding the extra pk and model properties that would otherwise be included: 注意:根据这里的建议,我目前拥有以下视图代码,仅返回fields属性的内容,而丢弃了本应包含的额外的pkmodel属性:

cfgs = [Configuration.deStringify(x) for x in Configuration.objects.all()]
objs = serializers.serialize('python', cfgs)
cfgs = [d['fields'] for d in objs]
response = { "configurations": cfgs }
return JsonResponse(response)

As far as I can tell, it's the serialization to a python object that reintroduces the string-y-ness. 据我所知,是对python对象的序列化,重新引入了string-y-ness。

deStringify is: deStringify是:

def deStringify(self):
    self.someListOfIds = decoder.decode(self.someListOfIds)
    return self

This is very much a throwaway piece of code - it just needs to serve up correctly structured data for a while. 这几乎是一堆废弃的代码-它只需要一段时间来提供正确结构化的数据。 A working solution, without making a fresh start and adding a dedicated REST framework is all I'm looking for. 我一直在寻找一个可行的解决方案,而无需重新开始并添加专用的REST框架。

While not describing the exact scenario, this hint from the docs made me suspect that my conversion from string-containing-list-of-ints to actual-list-of-ints was being undone when serializers.serialize(...) subsequently read the property. 虽然没有描述确切的情况,但是文档中的此提示使我怀疑,当serializers.serialize(...)随后读取时,我从int包含字符串的int到int实际列表的转换被撤消了财产。 I now perform the transformation after extracting the fields property from the python-serialized structure and my JsonResponse now correctly contains the intended list-of-ints. 现在,我从python序列化结构中提取了fields属性之后执行了转换,并且我的JsonResponse现在正确包含了所需的int列表。

It's seems like a lot of work and probably reflects me not "getting" the Django way of doing things, and it's certainly not pretty, but it does the job: 这似乎是一项艰巨的工作,可能反映出我没有“了解” Django的工作方式,虽然它虽然不漂亮,但却可以完成工作:

all = Configuration.objects.all()
objs = serializers.serialize('python', all)
# Extract the interesting part of the structure
cfgs = [d['fields'] for d in objs]
for key in ['someListOfIds', 'someOtherListOfInts', 'finalListOfInts']:
    [cfg.update({key: decoder.decode(cfg[key])}) for cfg in cfgs]
response = { "configurations": cfgs }
return JsonResponse(response)

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