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[英]Copy Excel range to embedded Word document skipping “” (empty cells)

(This question is a follow-up on how to work with a document embedded in an Excel workbook in the Word application interface (instead of in-place). The reason this is necessary is to be able to save the result as an independent document.) (此问题是有关如何使用 Word应用程序界面(而不是就地)中嵌入Excel工作簿中的文档的后续操作。之所以这样做,是因为能够将结果另存为独立文档。)

The problem is that I have dynamic content in Excel. 问题是我在Excel中有动态内容。 In cells of Column EI have actually formula, for example E55 =IF(B55="";"";"normal") E55 is also =IF('Technical!B55'="";"";'Technical!B55') . 在EI列的单元格中实际上具有公式,例如E55 =IF(B55="";"";"normal") E55也是=IF('Technical!B55'="";"";'Technical!B55') My current code does not understand that for example cell B57 is empty and thinks it should be printed to MS Word. 我当前的代码不了解例如单元格B57为空,并认为应将其打印到MS Word。 It does not insert any content to MS Word but inserts for example bullets that are predefined for style in MS Word. 它不会在MS Word中插入任何内容,但会插入例如为MS Word中的样式预定义的项目符号。 How to stop that? 如何停止呢? I can make for example =IF(B55="";"empty";"normal") so unnecessary rows will be marked with word "empty" if it helps anyhow. 例如,我可以使=IF(B55="";"empty";"normal")因此如果有帮助,不必要的行将用单词“空”标记。

   A    B                   C                   D                  E
49    Paragraph with number 1                                    main
48    Ok text is text and it is good to have here.. a lot of     normal
50    Legal             John Smith                               table
51                      Telephone         +4854132155            table 
52                      Email             john.smith@mail.com    table
53    Paragraph with number 2                                    main
54    Text again a lot of text again comes here                  normal
55    Text again a lot of text again comes here                  normal
56    Text again a lot of text again comes here                  normal
57    =IF('Technical!B57'="";"";'Technical!B57')                 =IF(B57="";"";"normal")            
58    =IF('Technical!B58'="";"";'Technical!B58')                 =IF(B58="";"";"normal")

My current code: 我当前的代码:

With objWord
  Set wdRng = .Range.Characters.Last
  Set wdUndo = .Application.UndoRecord
  wdUndo.StartCustomRecord ("Doc Data")
  Set xlSht = Sheets("Other Data")
  'Here comes Header
  .Bookmarks("Date").Range.Text = xlSht.Range("AT2").Value
  .Bookmarks("DocumentName").Range.Text = xlSht.Range("AX13").Value
Set xlSht = Nothing

Set xlSht = Sheets("Pricelist")
  For Each cell In xlRng
    wdRng.InsertAfter vbCr & cell.Offset(0, -4).Text
     Select Case LCase(cell.Value)
        Case "title"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Heading 1")
        Case "main"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Heading 2")
        Case "sub"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Heading 3")
        Case "sub-sub"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Heading 4")
        Case "normal"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Normal")
        Case "contact"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Contact")
          Case "attachment"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Attachment")
          Case "technical"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Technical")
          Case "topic"
          wdRng.Paragraphs.Last.Style = .Styles("Topic")
          Case "signature"


  With wdRng

    .Paragraphs.Last.Range.PasteSpecial (wdPasteBitmap)

  End With

          Case "pagebreak"
     With wdRng
     .Paragraphs.Last.Range.InsertBreak Type:=wdPageBreak
     End With
          Case "table"

          xlSht.Range(cell.Offset(0, -4), cell.Offset(0, -1)).Copy

  With wdRng

    .Paragraphs.Last.Range.PasteAndFormat (wdFormatPlainText)

  End With

    End Select
  Next cell
  .SaveAs2 ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _
Sheets("Other Data").Range("AN2").Value & ", " & _
Sheets("Other Data").Range("AN7").Value & "_" & _
Sheets("Other Data").Range("AN8").Value & "_" & _
Sheets("Other Data").Range("AX3").Value & ".docx"

  Set wdUndo = Nothing
  .Application.Quit False
End With

Sometimes it is good to have a cup of tea and think about something else. 有时候喝杯茶,然后考虑其他事情是件好事。 I have came up with an idea of using =IF(B55="";"empty";"normal") so I will get word "empty" in unnecessary cells. 我想出了一个使用=IF(B55="";"empty";"normal")的想法,因此我将在不必要的单元格中得到单词“ empty”。 Then I created new Case with name "empty" and used following code: 然后,我创建了名称为“ empty”的新Case,并使用了以下代码:

         Case "empty"

  With wdRng


  End With

I don't know if this is the best solution. 我不知道这是否是最好的解决方案。 At least it works. 至少有效。

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