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[英]How can you know the length of the byte-array to deserialize using protobuf-net?

I am trying to send a C# object from one process to another using a Memory-Mapped File, and I am trying to use either BinaryFormatter or protobuf-net. 我正在尝试使用内存映射文件将C#对象从一个进程发送到另一个进程,并且试图使用BinaryFormatter或protobuf-net。 Neither is working - apparently because I am using by necessity a fixed-length byte-array and protobuf-net needs an array that is exactly the correct length? 都不起作用-显然是因为我必须使用固定长度的字节数组,而protobuf-net需要一个长度正确的数组?

Using protobuf-net, I get this exception on Deserialize: "ProtoException: 'Unconsumed data left in the buffer; this suggests corrupt input' at the line: "message1 = Serializer.Deserialize(memoryStream); 使用protobuf-net,我在Deserialize上收到此异常:“ ProtoException:'未使用的数据留在缓冲区中;这表明输入内容已损坏'。”:“ message1 = Serializer.Deserialize(memoryStream);”。

Here is my code. 这是我的代码。 At this point I'm just trying a simple example in order to get it to work at a basic level: This is the object that I want to send between programs: 在这一点上,我只是尝试一个简单的示例,以使其在基本级别上起作用:这是我想在程序之间发送的对象:

public class IpcMessage
    public IpcMessage() { }

    public string title { get; set; }

    [ProtoMember( 2 )]
    public string content { get; set; }

Here is the (simplified - I removed the synchronization) code that sends the IpcMessage object: 这是发送IpcMessage对象的(简化后,我删除了同步)代码:

static void SampleSend()
    // Create the memory-mapped file which allows 'Reading' and 'Writing'
    using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen( "MyMmfName", 1024, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite ))
        // Create a view-stream for this process, which allows us to write data from offset 0 to 1024 (whole memory)
        using (MemoryMappedViewStream mmvStream = mmf.CreateViewStream( 0, 1024))
            IpcMessage message1 = new IpcMessage();
            message1.title = "test";
            message1.content = "hello world";
            Serializer.Serialize( mmvStream, message1 );

and here is the code in the receiving program (simplified a bit): 这是接收程序中的代码(简化了一点):

// Create the memory mapped file..
using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateOrOpen( "MyMmfName", 1024, MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite ))
    using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor mmvStream = mmf.CreateViewAccessor( 0, 1024, MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read ))
        byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
        IpcMessage message1;
        int numberBytesRead = mmvStream.ReadArray<byte>( 0, buffer, 0, 1024 );
        var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(buffer);
        // It is at this next line that I get ProtoException: 'Unconsumed data left in the buffer; this suggests corrupt input'
        message1 = Serializer.Deserialize<IpcMessage>( memoryStream );

When I was trying to use BinaryFormatter it complained also. 当我尝试使用BinaryFormatter时,它也抱怨。 Clearly I am doing something very basically wrong. 显然,我所做的事情基本上是错误的。

Looking thru other questions - I see that most implementations seem to have a byte-array that is allocated to just the right length. 通过其他问题来看-我看到大多数实现似乎都有一个分配给正确长度的字节数组。 Here, I don't know the length ahead of time -- it is just a fixed-length 1024-byte array (I chose this size arbitrarily, just for now). 在这里,我不知道提前的长度-它只是一个固定长度的1024字节数组(我暂时选择了这个大小)。 Or perhaps it's something obvious that I'm missing? 还是很明显我想念的东西?

This is my first time to use a Memory-Mapped File, or protobuf-net. 这是我第一次使用“内存映射文件”或protobuf-net。 Any help or advice is appreciated - thank you in advance. 感谢您提供任何帮助或建议-预先感谢您。

Note: I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise 15.9.6, and this code is targeting .NET Framework 4.0 注意:我正在使用Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise 15.9.6,并且此代码针对.NET Framework 4.0

Option 1: tell MemoryStream the correct number of bytes to use in the optional constructor overload; 选项1:告诉MemoryStream在可选的构造函数重载中使用的正确字节数; this will work for all serializers. 这将适用于所有序列化器。

Option 2, specifically for protobuf-net: use ProtoReader ; 选项2,专门用于protobuf-net:使用ProtoReader the Deserialize API accepts a Stream or a ProtoReader ; Deserialize API接受Stream ProtoReader ; the latter can be constructed with a notional length and will not over-read 后者可以按名义长度构造,不会过度阅读

Option 3, again protobuf-net: use the *WithLengthPrefix APIs for serialize and deserialize 选项3,还是protobuf-net:使用*WithLengthPrefix API进行序列化和反序列化

Note that any option assumes that your code can robustly determine the length, which should usually be communicated separately in whatever "framing" approach you're using. 请注意,任何选项均假定您的代码可以稳健地确定长度,通常应使用任何“成帧”方法将其分开传递。 Option 3 deals with this internally, but in many scenarios your own code still needs to be frame-aware so that you don't consume too much and read I to the next message (unless this is UDP with exactly one frame per packet, but... it isn't, because MemoryMappedFile ). 选项3在内部处理此问题,但是在许多情况下,您自己的代码仍需要具有帧感知功能,这样您就不会消耗过多的代码并将我读到下一条消息(除非这是UDP,每个数据包恰好有一个帧,但是...并非如此,因为MemoryMappedFile )。 You also need to consider what happens if a payload is larger than the expected buffer size. 您还需要考虑如果有效负载大于预期的缓冲区大小会发生什么。

The simplest way of "framing" would be to reserve 4 bytes at the start of each logical block; 最简单的“成帧”方法是在每个逻辑块的开始处保留4个字节。 serialize starting at offset 4, and then write the number of bytes written back in at offsets 0-thru-3, using fixed 4-byte layout in your choice of endianness (usually "little"). 从偏移量4开始进行序列化,然后在选择的字节顺序(通常为“小”)中使用固定的4字节布局,写回以偏移量0-thru-3写入的字节数。 When reading: read the first 4 bytes to get the length, then consume that- many bytes from the segment. 读取时:读取前4个字节以获取长度,然后从该段中消耗那么多字节。 This is essentially what *WithLengthPrefix does internally, except a few different layout options are supported. 这基本上是*WithLengthPrefix内部执行的操作,除了支持一些不同的布局选项。

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