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[英]git-http-backend returns 500 error if repo to be cloned is a submodule

I have a container that serves git repositories on a path binded to /git inside of it. 我有一个容器,该容器在绑定到/git内部的路径上提供git存储库。 This container nginx configuration: https://github.com/ipburger/alpine-http-git-server/blob/master/nginx.conf 此容器nginx配置: https : //github.com/ipburger/alpine-http-git-server/blob/master/nginx.conf

If the repo on /git is a submodule, cloning fails with a 500 error that Nginx's fastcgi with git-http-backend doesn't output any error about it. 如果/git上的/git是一个子模块,则克隆失败并显示500错误,即带有git-http-backend的Nginx的fastcgi不会输出任何错误。

If the repo is not a submodule it works as usual. 如果回购不是子模块,则它会照常工作。 Why is so? 为什么会这样呢?

To help me debug this error, how can I find out why git-http-backend made nginx return a 500 error? 为了帮助我调试此错误,我如何找出为什么git-http-backend使nginx返回500错误? There is no error message anywhere. 任何地方都没有错误消息。

To help me solve this error, how can I make git-http-backend be able to clone a submodule? 为了帮助我解决此错误,如何使git-http-backend能够克隆子模块?

I've solved it by passing the entire "parent" repo containing the git submodules to the container that runs git-http-backend. 我已经通过将包含git子模块的整个“父”存储库传递给运行git-http-backend的容器来解决了这一问题。

Seems like git-http-backend only lets you clone submodules if the parent repo containing it is there too. 似乎git-http-backend仅允许您在包含子存储库的父存储库存在的情况下克隆子模块。

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