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使用Slack API上传时出现no_file_data错误

[英]no_file_data error when using Slack API upload

I'm getting this error {"ok":false,"error":"no_file_data"} when I try to call the slack API to upload. 尝试调用Slack API进行上传时,出现此错误{“ ok”:false,“ error”:“ no_file_data”}。 I already have the specified file in ./log. 我已经在./log中有指定的文件。

robot.respond /upload (.*)/i, (res) ->
    app_name = res.match[1]
    request = require("request")
    fs = require("fs")
    channel_name = res.message.room

    data = {
        channels: channel_name,
        filename: "#{app_name}.txt",
        file: fs.createReadStream("./log/#{app_name}.txt"),

      .headers(Authorization: 'Bearer slack-token', 'Content-Type': 'application/json')
      .post(data) (err, httpRes, body) ->
        if err
          res.send "#{err}"

        res.send "#{body}"

This does not work, because the API method files.upload does not support the content type application/json posts. 这不起作用,因为API方法files.upload不支持内容类型application/json帖子。

For your case you need to post as multipart/form-data , with one part containing the file data and one part containing the API parameters including the token. 对于您的情况,您需要以multipart/form-data发布,其中一部分包含文件数据,另一部分包含API参数(包括令牌)。

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