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Dart for Flutter中的日期差异

[英]Date difference in Dart for Flutter

Playing in Flutter, using Dart - I am trying to establish the amount of seconds between two dates. 使用Dart在Flutter中播放-我正在尝试确定两个日期之间的秒数。

But for some reason the date1.difference(date2).inSeconds gives a result that does not make sense to me. 但是由于某种原因, date1.difference(date2).inSeconds给出的结果对我来说没有意义。 Maybe it is late and I am too tired to miss something here: 也许已经晚了,我太累了,无法在这里错过一些东西:

Here is my code: (ie print statements of the dates and its supposed difference in seconds): 这是我的代码:(即日期的打印声明及其以秒为单位的差异):

print(myDate);  // DateTime type
print(queryDate); // DateTime type

And the print-results say: 打印结果显示:

2019-02-01 00:18:00.000Z     // myDate
2019-02-01 01:17:18.859431   // queryDate
41                           // supposedly difference in seconds...

But shouldn't it be much more than 41 seconds ???? 但这不应该超过41秒吗?

Could the reason be the x.000Z vs. .859431 format differences ? 原因可能是x.000Z与.859431的格式差异吗? And if yes, why ? 如果是,为什么?

Why is the difference method ignoring minutes and hours ? 为什么difference方法忽略了分钟和小时?

I found a solution: 我找到了解决方案:

Turns out, the queryDate was in another format (not sure what .859431 means - maybe somebody can explain ...?) 原来, queryDate是另一种格式(不确定.859431是什么意思-也许有人可以解释...?)

At least, when I do the following, it works: 至少,当我执行以下操作时,它会起作用:

DateTime queryDate2 = DateTime.utc(

Then my print-statements are: 然后我的打印语句是:

print(myDate);      // DateTime type in UTC
print(queryDate);   // DateTime type in .859431 format (??)
print(queryDate2);  // DateTime type in UTC

And the print-results say: 打印结果显示:

2019-02-01 00:18:00.000Z    // myDate
2019-02-01 02:01:21.081575  // queryDate
2019-02-01 02:01:21.000Z    // queryDate2
-1                          // difference in hours   (now correct !)
-103                        // difference in minutes (now correct !)
-6201                       // difference in seconds (now correct !)

Yes, more like it :) (..now hours, minutes and seconds are correct). 是的,更喜欢它:)(..现在的小时,分​​钟和秒是正确的)。

Maybe there is another way of changing a date to UTC ? 也许还有另一种将日期更改为UTC的方法? Any idea appreciated. 任何想法表示赞赏。

Try this package, Jiffy . 试试这个包, Jiffy Handle all of your questions. 处理所有问题。 It follows the momentjs library and respect the number of days in a month and leap years to try to get the at least best result 它遵循momentjs库,并尊重一个月和leap年中的天数,以尝试至少获得最佳结果

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