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[英]Python Import Error (ModuleNotFoundError) when importing a function from a module that imports a class from another module

My file structure looks like: 我的文件结构如下:


The functionsfile has a function that uses the class created in the classfile . functionsfile有一个函数,它使用在类classfile创建的classfile I import that class with 我导入该类

from classfile import ClassName

(I've also tried importing * ). (我也试过导入* )。

Just testing the function in the functionsfile with a print statement, it appears to find the class module and use the ClassName just fine, but then when I import that function from functionsfile into the main.py script, it gives me the error: 只是使用print语句测试函数文件中的functionsfile ,它似乎找到类模块并使用ClassName就好了,但是当我import函数从functionsfile导入main.py脚本时,它给了我错误:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'classfile'

I tried importing the function with both: 我尝试用两者导入函数:

from functionsfile import function


from functionsfile import *

I'm at a loss for why this is happening? 我为何会发生这种情况感到茫然?

It appears you are missing __init__.py file. 看来你缺少__init__.py文件。 Try importing after adding that in your /src/ folder. 在/ src /文件夹中添加后尝试导入。

Try 尝试

from src.classfile import ClassName

It would also be better to change your directory structure. 更改目录结构也会更好。


As what Aquarius said you need to create a blank __init__.py file inside src folder 正如Aquarius所说,你需要在src文件夹中创建一个空白的__init__.py文件

And try to import it as 并尝试将其导入为

from src.classfile import *

Inside your main.py file 在你的main.py文件中

I hope it works for you : D 我希望它适合你:D


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