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[英]Android Speech to text on voice calls

Hello is it possible to have a speech to text option on calls wherein the receiver of the call will get a live transcript of that call. 您好,通话中可能有语音转文字选项,其中通话的接收者将获得该通话的实时录音本。 I have tried to read about IBM Watson's Speech to Text service but to no avail as it only has instructions on already recorded data. 我尝试阅读有关IBM Watson的语音转文本服务的信息,但无济于事,因为它仅对已记录的数据有说明。 Can anyone help me out or is this not possible? 谁能帮我或者是不可能的吗?

You can stream in audio, but you will need to make use of the web sockets API - https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/speech-to-text#recognize-audio-websockets- 您可以流式传输音频,但需要使用Web套接字API- https://cloud.ibm.com/apidocs/speech-to-text#recognize-audio-websockets-

You open the web socket, send a start packet, then send the stream as you capture it as data packets, terminate with an stop packet. 您打开Web套接字,发送一个start包,然后在将流捕获为data包时发送该流,并以stop包终止。 You will need to set interim_results to true if you want a transcript flow. 如果需要成绩单流程,则需要将interim_results设置为true

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