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[英]Why does my C# program not recognize length?

I have a very simple program directly from my textbook that is meant to print a list of words names that you type to the command line. 我有一个非常简单的程序,直接来自我的教科书,旨在打印您在命令行中键入的单词名称列表。

When I try to run the code, I get an error that states... 当我尝试运行代码时,出现一条错误,指出...

"error CS1061: 'string[]' does not contain a definition for 'length' and no accessible extension method 'length' accepting a first argument of type 'string[]' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)" “错误CS1061:'string []'不包含'length'的定义,并且找不到可访问的扩展方法'length'接受类型为'string []'的第一个参数(您是否缺少using指令或程序集参考?)”

Note: I am not running this through Microsoft Visual Studio because the assignment involves running code through a text editor. 注意:我不是通过Microsoft Visual Studio运行此程序,因为分配涉及通过文本编辑器运行代码。

Code here: 代码在这里:

// Hello World2.cs
using System;

public class HelloWorld2
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello, World.");
        Console.WriteLine("You entered the following {0} names " +
            "on the command line:", args.length );
        for (int i=0; i < args.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0}", args[i]);

A link to the program assignment here . 此处指向程序分配的链接。

(Scroll halfway down the webpage, assignment starts after the title "HelloWorld2 - Using Dev Prompt".) (向下滚动到网页的一半,分配在标题“ HelloWorld2-Using Dev Prompt”之后开始。)

Any help is greatly appreciated! 任何帮助是极大的赞赏!

Console.WriteLine("You entered the following {0} names " + "on the command line:", args.Length ); Console.WriteLine(“您在命令行上输入了以下{0}名称” +“:args.Length); it should be Length 应该是长度

Length is a property. Length是一个属性。 Properties are written in pascal case. 属性以帕斯卡大小写。 Looks like you only have a typo in your second Console.WriteLine . 看起来您的第二个Console.WriteLine只有一个错字。 There is an args. 有一个参数。 l ength with a lowercase l. 用小写字母l。

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