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[英]Buffering in jPlayer

We use Icecast streaming server to jPlayer on our website and also used on our mobile app. 我们使用Icecast流媒体服务器在我们的网站上将jPlayer用于移动应用程序。 I was trying to add an <intro> to the Icecast config, but when I do, it presents an issue on mobile devices. 我试图将<intro>添加到Icecast配置中,但是当我这样做时,它将在移动设备上出现问题。 Whenever the phone has an interruption causing a temporary disconnect, like a call that comes in, the stream repeats what you started listening to when you first connected to the stream, after the intro plays again of course. 每当电话中断导致临时断开时(例如打进来的电话),流都会重复您首次连接流时开始播放的内容,当然会再次播放介绍视频。 For instance, if I start the stream listening to one show or song, a call comes in and ends, the intro plays on the reconnect and the stream plays from where I initially started listening. 例如,如果我开始收听一个节目或歌曲的流,一个电话打入并结束,则介绍将在重新连接上播放,并且该流从我最初开始收听的位置开始播放。

I have played with Icecast queue and burst settings up and down and none at all, and tried different formats, the same result. 我玩过Icecast队列和突发设置,但没有任何设置,并尝试了不同的格式,结果相同。 I've also had conversations on a couple of other streaming related posts and have been told it seems the issue is with the client buffer and player, which I did not set up. 我还与其他一些与流相关的帖子进行了交谈,并被告知似乎问题出在客户端缓冲区和播放器上,而我没有设置。 I took a look at our stream-player.js, it is jPlayer 2.9.2 with the following tacked on to the end at line 3507: 我看了看我们的stream-player.js,它是jPlayer 2.9.2,在3507行的末尾加上了以下内容:

;(function() {
  var DOMParser, find, parse;

  DOMParser = (typeof window !== "undefined" && window !== null ? window.DOMParser : void 0) || (typeof require === "function" ? require('xmldom').DOMParser : void 0) || function() {};

  find = function(node, list) {
    var attributes, childNode, childNodeName, childNodes, i, match, x, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1;
    if (node.hasChildNodes()) {
      childNodes = node.childNodes;
      for (i = _i = 0, _ref = childNodes.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
        childNode = childNodes[i];
        childNodeName = childNode.nodeName;
        if (/REF/i.test(childNodeName)) {
          attributes = childNode.attributes;
          for (x = _j = 0, _ref1 = attributes.length; 0 <= _ref1 ? _j < _ref1 : _j > _ref1; x = 0 <= _ref1 ? ++_j : --_j) {
            match = attributes[x].nodeName.match(/HREF/i);
            if (match) {
                file: childNode.getAttribute(match[0]).trim()
        } else if (childNodeName !== '#text') {
          find(childNode, list);
    return null;

  parse = function(playlist) {
    var doc, ret;
    ret = [];
    doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(playlist, 'text/xml').documentElement;
    if (!doc) {
      return ret;
    find(doc, ret);
    return ret;

  (typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null ? module.exports : window).ASX = {
    name: 'asx',
    parse: parse


(function() {
  var COMMENT_RE, EXTENDED, comments, empty, extended, parse, simple;


  COMMENT_RE = /:(?:(-?\d+),(.+)\s*-\s*(.+)|(.+))\n(.+)/;

  extended = function(line) {
    var match;
    match = line.match(COMMENT_RE);
    if (match && match.length === 6) {
      return {
        length: match[1] || 0,
        artist: match[2] || '',
        title: match[4] || match[3],
        file: match[5].trim()

  simple = function(string) {
    return {
      file: string.trim()

  empty = function(line) {
    return !!line.trim().length;

  comments = function(line) {
    return line[0] !== '#';

  parse = function(playlist) {
    var firstNewline;
    playlist = playlist.replace(/\r/g, '');
    firstNewline = playlist.search('\n');
    if (playlist.substr(0, firstNewline) === EXTENDED) {
      return playlist.substr(firstNewline).split('\n#').filter(empty).map(extended);
    } else {
      return playlist.split('\n').filter(empty).filter(comments).map(simple);

  (typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null ? module.exports : window).M3U = {
    name: 'm3u',
    parse: parse


(function() {
  var LISTING_RE, parse;

  LISTING_RE = /(file|title|length)(\d+)=(.+)\r?/i;

  parse = function(playlist) {
    var index, key, line, match, tracks, value, _, _i, _len, _ref;
    tracks = [];
    _ref = playlist.trim().split('\n');
    for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
      line = _ref[_i];
      match = line.match(LISTING_RE);
      if (match && match.length === 4) {
        _ = match[0], key = match[1], index = match[2], value = match[3];
        if (!tracks[index]) {
          tracks[index] = {};
        tracks[index][key.toLowerCase()] = value;
    return tracks.filter(function(track) {
      return track != null;

  (typeof module !== "undefined" && module !== null ? module.exports : window).PLS = {
    name: 'pls',
    parse: parse

;(function() {
  var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };

  window.PlayerUI = (function() {
    function PlayerUI(container) {
      var _this = this;
      this.container = container;
      this.onStateButtonClicked = __bind(this.onStateButtonClicked, this);
      this.duration = null;
      this.state = 'loading';
      this.player = $('<div></div>');
        ready: function() {
          return _this.state = 'paused';
      this.volume = this.container.find('.volume-slider input').rangeslider({
        polyfill: false,
        onSlide: function(position, value) {
          return _this.player.jPlayer('volume', value / 100.0);
        onSlideEnd: function(position, value) {
          return _this.player.jPlayer('volume', value / 100.0);

    PlayerUI.prototype.hookEvents = function() {
      var _this = this;
      this.container.find('.state-button a').click(this.onStateButtonClicked);
      this.player.on($.jPlayer.event.play, function() {
        return _this.setState('playing');
      this.player.on($.jPlayer.event.pause, function() {
        return _this.setState('paused');
      this.player.on($.jPlayer.event.durationchange, function(e) {
        return _this.container.trigger('player.setProgressMax', {
          maxValue: e.jPlayer.status.duration
      this.player.on($.jPlayer.event.timeupdate, function(e) {
        return _this.container.trigger('player.updateProgress', {
          value: e.jPlayer.status.currentTime
      return this.player.on($.jPlayer.event.ended, function(e) {
        return _this.container.trigger('player.trackEnded');

    PlayerUI.prototype.setState = function(state) {
      this.state = state;
      return this.container.find('.state-button a').removeClass().addClass("state-" + state);

    PlayerUI.prototype.onStateButtonClicked = function(event) {
      switch (this.state) {
        case 'playing':
          return this.pause();
        case 'paused':
          return this.play();
          return this.noop();

    PlayerUI.prototype.setMedia = function(media) {
      return this.player.jPlayer('setMedia', media);

    PlayerUI.prototype.setProgress = function(pct) {
      return this.player.jPlayer('playHead', pct);

    PlayerUI.prototype.play = function() {
      return this.player.jPlayer('play');

    PlayerUI.prototype.pause = function() {
      return this.player.jPlayer('pause');

    PlayerUI.prototype.noop = function() {
      return null;

    return PlayerUI;


;(function() {
  window.PlaylistUI = (function() {
    function PlaylistUI(container) {
      var _this = this;
      this.container = container;
      $(window).on('playlistloader.finished', function(evt, data) {
        return _this.setPlaylist(PlaylistLoader.coalescePlaylists(data.playlists));

    PlaylistUI.prototype.loadM3UList = function(m3uList) {
      return new PlaylistLoader(m3uList);

    PlaylistUI.prototype.setPlaylist = function(playlistData) {
      if (typeof playlistData.data !== 'undefined') {
        this.name = playlistData.name;
        playlistData = playlistData.data;
      this.playlist = playlistData;
      return this.container.trigger('playlistui.ready', {
        ui: this,
        autoplay: false //this.getAutoplay()

    PlaylistUI.prototype.unhookEvents = function() {
      return this.container.find('.playlist-item').off('click.playlistUI', 'a');

    PlaylistUI.prototype.hookEvents = function() {
      var _this = this;
      return this.container.find('.playlist-item').on('click.playlistUI', 'a', function(evt) {
        var idx, item;
        idx = $(evt.target).parent('.playlist-item').data('idx');
        item = _this.getItemByIdx(idx);
        return _this.select(item);

    PlaylistUI.prototype.renderPlaylist = function() {
      var idx, item, playlist, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
      playlist = this.container.find('.playlist');
      _ref = this.playlist;
      _results = [];
      for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
        item = _ref[idx];
        _results.push(playlist.append(this.rowTemplate(item, idx)));
      return _results;

    PlaylistUI.prototype.rowTemplate = function(item, idx) {
      return $("<li class=\"playlist-item\" data-idx=\"" + idx + "\"><a href=\"" + item.file + "\">" + item.title + "</a></li>");

    PlaylistUI.prototype.getAutoplay = function() {
      var item, _i, _len, _ref;
      _ref = this.playlist;
      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        item = _ref[_i];
        if (item.autoplay) {
          return item;
      return null;

    PlaylistUI.prototype.getItemByIdx = function(idx) {
      return this.playlist[idx];

    PlaylistUI.prototype.getRowForItem = function(item) {
      var compare, found, idx, _i, _len, _ref;
      _ref = this.playlist;
      for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
        compare = _ref[idx];
        if (compare === item) {
          found = this.container.find(".playlist-item[data-idx=" + idx + "]");
          return found;
      return null;

    PlaylistUI.prototype.getIndexForItem = function(item) {
      var compare, idx, _i, _len, _ref;
      _ref = this.playlist;
      for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
        compare = _ref[idx];
        if (item === compare) {
          return idx;
      return null;

    PlaylistUI.prototype.findNext = function() {
      var currentIndex, nextIndex;
      currentIndex = this.getIndexForItem(this.current);
      if (currentIndex === null) {
        return null;
      nextIndex = currentIndex + 1;
      if (nextIndex >= this.playlist.length) {
        return null;
      return this.playlist[nextIndex];

    PlaylistUI.prototype.select = function(item) {
      if (item) {
          this.current = item;
          return this.container.trigger('playlistui.select', {
            ui: this,
            item: item

    PlaylistUI.prototype.selectFirst = function() {
      return this.select(this.playlist[0]);

    PlaylistUI.prototype.selectNext = function() {
      var nextItem;
      nextItem = this.findNext();
      if (nextItem === null) {
        return false;
      return true;

    return PlaylistUI;


;(function() {
  var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };

  window.PlaylistLoader = (function() {
    function PlaylistLoader(playlists) {
      this.playlists = playlists;
      this.loadedItem = __bind(this.loadedItem, this);

    PlaylistLoader.prototype.loadPlaylists = function() {
      var idx, item, _i, _len, _ref, _results,
        _this = this;
      this.loadCount = 0;
      this.data = new Array(this.playlists.length);
      _ref = this.playlists;
      _results = [];
      for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
        item = _ref[idx];
        _results.push((function() {
          var tmp;
          tmp = idx;
          return jQuery.ajax({
            url: item
          }).done(function(data) {
            return _this.loadedItem(tmp, data);
      return _results;

    PlaylistLoader.prototype.loadedItem = function(idx, data) {
      var playlist;
      playlist = M3U.parse(data);
      this.data[idx] = playlist;
      $(window).trigger('playlistloader.loadeditem', {
        index: idx,
        playlist: playlist
      if (this.loadCount === this.playlists.length) {
        return this.finishedLoading();

    PlaylistLoader.prototype.finishedLoading = function() {
      return $(window).trigger('playlistloader.finished', {
        playlists: this.data

    PlaylistLoader.coalescePlaylists = function(playlistsLoaded) {
      var fileEntry, output, playlist, _i, _j, _len, _len1;
      output = [];
      for (_i = 0, _len = playlistsLoaded.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
        playlist = playlistsLoaded[_i];
        for (_j = 0, _len1 = playlist.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
          fileEntry = playlist[_j];
      return output;

    return PlaylistLoader;


;(function() {
  var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };

  window.StreamUI = (function() {
    function StreamUI(selector, streamPlaylists) {
      this.selector = selector;
      this.streamPlaylists = streamPlaylists;
      this.playlistSelect = __bind(this.playlistSelect, this);
      this.playlistReady = __bind(this.playlistReady, this);
      this.container = jQuery(this.selector);
      this.playlist = new PlaylistUI(this.container.find('.playlist-ui'));
      this.player = new PlayerUI(this.container.find('.player-ui'));

    StreamUI.prototype.hookEvents = function() {
      var playlistUI;
      playlistUI = this.container.find('.playlist-ui');
      playlistUI.on('playlistui.ready', this.playlistReady);
      return playlistUI.on('playlistui.select', this.playlistSelect);

    StreamUI.prototype.playlistReady = function(evt, eventinfo) {
      if (eventinfo.autoplay !== null) {
        return eventinfo.ui.select(eventinfo.autoplay);
      } else {
        return eventinfo.ui.selectFirst();

    StreamUI.prototype.playlistSelect = function(evt, eventinfo) {
        mp3: eventinfo.item.file
      return this.player.play();

    return StreamUI;



Although I'm primarily a linux developer with most of my programming experience in Perl and PHP, and do know jQuery pretty well dealing with my web development, I'm surely a novice when it comes to jPlayer or even audio streaming. 尽管我主要是Linux开发人员,我在Perl和PHP中拥有大部分编程经验,并且确实非常了解jQuery处理我的Web开发,但是对于jPlayer甚至是音频流,我无疑是一个新手。 I was hoping someone could spot something in hte code above that could contribute to the issue we have when adding an intro to our Icecast 2.4.4 stream? 我希望有人能在上述代码中发现某些东西,这可能会导致在向Icecast 2.4.4流添加简介时遇到的问题?

Our streams are available at the URL below, I have the intro on our HD4 stream at the moment. 我们的流可在下面的URL上找到,目前我对HD4流进行了介绍。

streaming player 流播放器

The issue is easily duplicated by starting the stream and listening a bit until the song changes, call the phone letting it interrupt the stream, then hang up. 可以通过以下方法轻松地复制该问题:启动视频流并稍作聆听,直到歌曲改变为止,然后拨打电话使其中断视频流,然后挂断电话。 This will cause the first song listened to be playing again after the intro. 在介绍之后,这将导致第一首收听的歌曲再次播放。

I believe the codec is a match, I did have an issue getting the intro to work until I formatted as MP3 128Kbps bit rate 44.1KHz sampling and 2 channel stereo. 我相信编解码器是不错的选择,但直到我将MP3 128Kbps比特率44.1KHz采样率和2声道立体声格式化为格式,我的确无法使简介工作。 Here is the intro file info: 这是介绍文件信息:

user@stream:~$ mediainfo /usr/share/icecast2/web/high_quality.mp3
Complete name                            : /usr/share/icecast2/web/high_quality.mp3
Format                                   : MPEG Audio
File size                                : 138 KiB
Duration                                 : 8s 777ms
Overall bit rate mode                    : Constant
Overall bit rate                         : 128 Kbps
Writing library                          : LAME3.99r

Format                                   : MPEG Audio
Format version                           : Version 1
Format profile                           : Layer 3
Mode                                     : Joint stereo
Mode extension                           : MS Stereo
Duration                                 : 8s 803ms
Bit rate mode                            : Constant
Bit rate                                 : 128 Kbps
Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
Sampling rate                            : 44.1 KHz
Compression mode                         : Lossy
Stream size                              : 137 KiB (100%)
Writing library                          : LAME3.99r
Encoding settings                        : -m j -V 4 -q 3 -lowpass 17 -b 128

Sounds like the underlying browser cache kicks in and forces replay of something held in memory. 听起来像是底层的浏览器缓存启动,并强制重播内存中保存的内容。 Browsers are 'awesome' like that under some circumstances and will then go out of their way to ignore no-cache directives and other things. 在某些情况下,浏览器“很棒”,然后会竭尽全力忽略无缓存指令和其他内容。

One way to make sure the browser doesn't try to play cache shenanigans is to add a "cache buster". 确保浏览器不尝试播放缓存恶作剧的一种方法是添加“缓存破坏者”。 Essentially a query string ( /stream?foo=bar ), which makes the browser engine think it's dynamically generated content and discard its cache; 本质上是查询字符串(/ stream?foo = bar),它使浏览器引擎认为它是动态生成的内容并丢弃其缓存; cf. 比照 https://www.keycdn.com/support/what-is-cache-busting . https://www.keycdn.com/support/what-is-cache-busting

At this time your Icecast server doesn't seem to answer any requests. 目前,您的Icecast服务器似乎没有回答任何请求。 So I can't look into the specifics on your side. 因此,我无法调查您这一方面的细节。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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