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Angular 7子路由延迟加载模块不起作用

[英]Angular 7 sub-routing lazy-loaded modules are not working

Accessing child module of parent module localhost:4200/child/subchild gives out the error in the console localhost:4200/child/runtime.js is not found - 404 访问父模块localhost:4200/child/subchild子模块会在控制台localhost:4200/child/runtime.js中找到错误localhost:4200/child/subchild

Going to localhost:4200/child would load the child component but in going to /child/subchild would load a blank page, and the 404 error message on the console. 进入localhost:4200/child将加载子组件,但进入/child/subchild则将加载空白页,并在控制台上显示404错误消息。

Versions: 版本:

  • Angular (core, router) - 7.2.3 角度(核心,路由器)-7.2.3
  • Angular CLI - 7.3.0 Angular CLI-7.3.0
  • Node - 10.12 节点-10.12

Main Module 主模块

const routes: Routes = [{
    path: "child",
    loadChildren: "./modules/child/child.module#ChildModule",
}, {
    path: "",
    pathMatch: "full",
    redirectTo: "",
    declarations: [AppComponent],
    imports: [

Child Module 子模块

const routes: Routes = [{
    path: "",
    component: ChildComponent,
    children: [
        { path: "subchild", component: SubchildComponent }
    declarations: [ChildComponent, SubchildComponent],
    imports: [

The page page should display without any errors on going to the url: http://localhost:4200/child/subchild 该页面页面应显示为正确无误,但转到URL: http://localhost:4200/child/subchild

I have found the cause of this issue since I changed the base href of index.html . 自从更改index.htmlbase href以来,我已经找到了导致此问题的原因。

Reverted it from base href='./' to base href='/' . 将其从base href='./'恢复为base href='/'

I changed the base href this way since I was also compiling this angular project to Android using Cordova. 我以这种方式更改了基本href,因为我也使用Cordova将这个角度项目编译为Android。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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