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[英]Is Seafile a real cloud storage?

I currently have two file servers to store all my files. 我目前有两个文件服务器来存储我的所有文件。 One is at my home and the other one is at my parents home. 一个在我家,另一个在我父母家。 The hard disks on both servers are synced, meaning that if I add/change/delete a file on one server, once a day the servers sync themselves to have the same files on both sides. 两台服务器上的硬盘都是同步的,这意味着如果我在一台服务器上添加/更改/删除文件,则服务器每天都会同步一次,使两边的文件相同。

The problem is that this solution is a bit configuration heavy. 问题在于该解决方案配置繁重。 If I want to add another server, I'd have to create a kind of 3-way sync, or something similar. 如果要添加其他服务器,则必须创建一种三向同步或类似的方式。

So I searched for an alternative and found Seafile. 因此,我搜索了一个替代文件并找到了Seafile。 It promises private cloud storage and also integrates with the local file managers like Explorer/Finder/Nautilus etc. 它承诺提供私有云存储,并与Explorer / Finder / Nautilus等本地文件管理器集成。

The thing I am not quite understanding is what exactly is meant with "cloud storage". 我不太了解的是“云存储”的确切含义。 My idea is to create a mini-cloud with my two servers. 我的想法是用两个服务器创建一个小型云。 Hence, install Seafile on both and have them sync the files automatically without me interfering too much. 因此,在两者上都安装Seafile并让它们自动同步文件,而不会干扰我。 I could not find such an option in Seafile though. 我在Seafile中找不到这样的选项。 Hence, my questions are: 因此,我的问题是:

  • What exactly is meant by cloud storage in Seafile? Seafile中的云存储到底是什么意思? As far as I understand it, it is no cloud storage. 据我了解,它不是云存储。 It just is an app on "one" server storing files. 它只是“一个”服务器上存储文件的应用程序。
  • Are there alternatives to Seafile in terms of cloud storage? 在云存储方面,Seafile是否有替代方案?

It does exactly what you're asking for. 它确实满足您的要求。

It's called cloud storage because there are hosted options where they will host your Seafile server and storage, but the local deployment version acts as you want. 之所以称为云存储,是因为有托管选项,它们将在其中托管您的Seafile服务器和存储,但是本地部署版本会根据您的需要进行操作。

Install it on you devices, run the service and it will keep files between all connected devices synced. 将其安装在设备上,运行服务,它将使所有连接的设备之间的文件保持同步。

As for the actual process of this I'm not sure, eg if there is a service designated as the "master" Seafile server or if they all act as distributed and none has priority over the other. 至于实际的过程,我不确定,例如,是否有一个服务被指定为“主” Seafile服务器,或者它们都充当分布式服务器,并且没有一个具有优先权。

There are lots of alternatives (Dropbox,Google Drive) but those are all offsite hosted, not sure what other options you have in terms of self-hosted. 有很多替代方案(Dropbox,Google云端硬盘),但它们都是在异地托管的,不确定在自托管方面还有哪些其他选择。

I am using Seafile private and for business needs for years and being a big fan of the solution. 多年来,我一直在私下使用Seafile并满足业务需求,并且是该解决方案的忠实拥护者。

Seafile is a great private cloud alternative to Dropbox/Box/Google Drive. Seafile是Dropbox / Box / Google Drive的绝佳私有云替代方案。
But, your requirement is not exactly what Seafile was created for. 但是,您的要求并不完全是为Seafile创建的。

It is possible to achieve you goal using Seafile but there are some drawbacks: 使用Seafile可以实现您的目标,但是有一些缺点:

  • syncing works only when Seafile Client is started on the PC 同步仅在PC上启动Seafile Client时有效
  • there is no solution for a background sync on the server (I don't know any) 服务器上没有后台同步的解决方案(我不知道)
  • there must be a "cloud server"/master instance (means at least +1 copy of your data somewhere) 必须有一个“云服务器” /主实例(意味着某处的数据至少为+1副本)
  • the installation is not quite easy to do and requires some Linux experience (Windows Server Version is deprecated) 安装不是很容易完成,并且需要一定的Linux经验(不建议使用Windows Server版本)

Like with Dropbox and co., you can sync two PCs from Cloud Server. 与Dropbox and co。一样,您可以从Cloud Server同步两台PC。 But you need a running Seafile Client on both PCs. 但是您需要在两台PC上都运行一个Seafile Client。 So, you need to log in on the PC to have the Seafile client running. 因此,您需要登录PC才能运行Seafile客户端。 After restarting you have to login again. 重新启动后,您必须再次登录。 I don't know, if there is a background sync solution for Seafile. 我不知道Seafile是否有后台同步解决方案。 Seafile is great way to have your folders/files auto synced on many PCs and access they from mobile devices. Seafile是使文件夹/文件在许多PC上自动同步并从移动设备访问它们的好方法。 It supports also encrypted libraries. 它还支持加密的库。

Check following interessting solutions for syncing: 检查以下有趣的同步解决方案:

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