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[英]How to select all h tags starting from a certain number (XPath)?

我想选择所有h标签,例如从标签h3 ,即h3h4h5 ...我知道如何仅选择h3


Use this: 用这个:

//*[matches(name(), '^h\d')]

if there are namespaces in element name then use: 如果元素名称中有名称空间,则使用:

//*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d')]

XPath 1.0 XPath 1.0

Keep it simple and just enumerate them: 保持简单,只列举它们:

//*[self::h:h3 or self::h:h4 or self::h:h5 or self::h:h6]

XPath 2.0 XPath 2.0

You can use regex in various ways. 您可以通过多种方式使用正则表达式。 For example... 例如...

For all tags of the form h number : 对于格式为h number的所有标签:


For a limited range of a single digit: 对于个位数的有限范围:


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