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需要回答用于 upwork 测试的 drupal 问题

[英]Need answer for drupal question for upwork test

I need to appear for up-work test.我需要参加工作测试。 I found this link http://upworktestru.com/drupal-test-upwork-answers-questions/ which has almost all the question.我找到了这个链接http://upworktestru.com/drupal-test-upwork-answers-questions/几乎所有的问题。

But this link have only 25 question.但是这个链接只有 25 个问题。

Can anyone help me out for the rest of answer.任何人都可以帮我解决其余的问题。

Thanks in advance提前致谢

Stack overflow is not a website that will help you cheat on tests. Stack Overflow 不是一个可以帮助您在测试中作弊的网站。 If you don't know the answers, there is a very good reason that you don't.如果你不知道答案,那么你有一个很好的理由不知道。 And with this mindset you will never learn truly the answers.有了这种心态,您将永远无法真正了解答案。 So instead of asking us to answer the test, make yourself a good thing and read/become better by learning.因此,与其要求我们回答测试,不如让自己成为一件好事,并通过学习阅读/变得更好。 It's multiple choice after all.毕竟是多项选择。

Conclusion: Nobody will tell you the answers.结论:没有人会告诉你答案。 That's life.这就是生活。 Read.读。 Evolve.发展。 Produce.生产。

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