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ESP32 数据包错误检查中的 BLE

[英]BLE on ESP32 packet Errorchecking

when transmit data from esp32 to an esp32,does the BLE's libary contain errorchecking?将数据从 esp32 传输到 esp32 时,BLE 的库是否包含错误检查? AKA resending packets?又名重新发送数据包? uses Ack-Naks?使用 Ack-Naks? error correction also?还纠错?


There is error checking.有错误检查。 You can check if a write was successful.您可以检查写入是否成功。

A Ble packet consist of:一个 Ble 数据包包括:

  • Preamble: RF synchronization sequence.前导码:RF 同步序列。

  • Access address: 32 bits, advertising or data access addresses (it is used to identify the communication).访问地址:32 位,广告或数据访问地址(用于识别通信)。

  • Header: its content depends on the packet type (advertising or data标头:其内容取决于数据包类型(广告或数据

  • Length: Length of the data payload(When encryption is used, the Length:数据载荷的长度(使用加密时,
    message integrity code (MIC) at the end of the packet is 4 bytes, so this leads to 251 bytes as actual maximum available payload size.数据包末尾的消息完整性代码 (MIC) 为 4 个字节,因此实际最大可用负载大小为 251 个字节。

  • Checksum: CRC.校验和:CRC。

    There is no error correction or resending of packets, unless you implement it yourself.除非您自己实现,否则没有错误纠正或重新发送数据包。 So,if a write was not successful you can resend a packet.因此,如果写入不成功,您可以重新发送数据包。

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