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[英]Ad accountexpires setting issue

This code in a console program works fine 控制台程序中的此代码可以正常工作

DateTime enteredDate = DateTime.Parse("2/2/2019 1:16:47 PM");
//change the time to 6pm
enteredDate = enteredDate.Date.Add(new TimeSpan(18, 00, 0));
Debug.WriteLine($"Entered date : {enteredDate}");
Debug.WriteLine($"FromFileTime: DateTime.FromFileTime(enteredDate.ToFileTime())}");

output is 输出是

Entered date : 2/2/2019 6:00:00 PM
FromFileTime: 2/2/2019 6:00:00 PM

When i set this time for an AD attribute like this 当我这次为这样的AD属性设置时

directoryEntry.Properties["accountExpires"].Value = Convert.ToString(enteredDate .ToFileTime());

it is writing the time part as 12:00:00 PM instead of 6pm. 它将时间部分写为12:00:00 PM,而不是6pm。 What am I doing wrong ? 我究竟做错了什么 ?

I assume this is a time zone issue and you are in a UTC+6 time zone. 我认为这是一个时区问题,您处于UTC + 6时区。

I don't think you have a problem at all. 我认为您根本没有问题。 The accountExpires attribute stores the time as a number that "represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC)". accountExpires属性将时间存储为一个数字,表示“自1601年1月1日(UTC)起100纳秒间隔的数量”。 That's exactly what ToFileTime() does for you. 这正是ToFileTime()为您所做的。 You're doing it right. 您做对了。

But note that it is stored in UTC. 但是请注意,它存储在UTC中。 If you are seeing it as 12:00 PM, that's probably because you are reading it as UTC time. 如果您在下午12:00看到它,那可能是因为您将它读为UTC时间。

6:00 PM your time is 12:00 PM UTC 您的时间下午6:00是UTC的下午12:00

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